▶ 중생의 씻음 Washing of Regeneration. 

This term occurs only in Titus 3:5. 'Regeneration' is not used in scripture in the modern ecclesiastical signification of the word, as may be seen from the only other occurrence of it in Matt. 19:28, where it evidently refers to an order of things still future. In Titus the believer is said to be saved by the cleansing in connection with the new order of things introduced by Christianity, as indicated in baptism, and the renewal of the Holy Spirit.

(딛03:5 우리를 구원하시되 우리의 행한바 의로운 행위로 말미암지 아니하고 오직 그의 긍휼하심을 좇아 중생의 씻음과 성령의 새롭게 하심으로 하셨나니

(마19:28 예수께서 가라사대 내가 진실로 너희에게 이르노니 세상이 새롭게 되어 인자가 자기 영광의 보좌에 앉을 때에 나를 좇는 너희도 열 두 보좌에 앉아 이스라엘 열 두 지파를 심판하리라 

The words "saved us by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost," show that there is a present escape and deliverance from the world and its course, and an entrance into those things which characterise the world to come, of which the Holy Ghost is now the revealer and power, even as Israel escaped from Egypt and its shame through the Red Sea, and anticipated Canaan in their song of praise.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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