LLM0215]Joseph Reunites with His Brothers

 1. Jacob sent Joseph’s brothers to Egypt for:

a) wheat
b) corn
c) cattle

2. When Joseph’s brothers saw Joseph they:

a) recognized him and said hello
b) recognized him and were very frightened
c) bowed down before him because they didn’t know who he was

3. The brothers told Joseph that:

a) all the brothers were there
b) youngest brother stayed home with his father
c) youngest brother was waiting outside with the animals

4. The youngest brother’s name was:

a) David
b) Samuel
c) Benjamin

5. Joseph sent them home with:

a) corn but Joseph kept the money
b) corn and half the money
c) corn and all the money

6. When the brothers returned to Joseph they had:

a) presents of honey, spices, nuts and double money
b) presents of sheep, goats, cattle and money
c) presents of clothing, shoes and money

7. Joseph put in Benjamin’s sack:

a) money
b) his own silver cup
c) a gold box

8. When Joseph said he was keeping Benjamin, his brothers:

a) wept, then said goodbye and left him there
b) pleaded with Joseph so Benjamin could go home
c) pleaded for the life of their father who they thought would die if Benjamin did not return.

9. Joseph sent every man out of the room and then he:

a) put all the brothers except Benjamin in prison
b) told the brothers who he was
c) kept Benjamin and sent the rest home

10. When Jacob heard that Joseph was alive, he:

a) went to Egypt to see his son Joseph
b) fell dead from the shock of hearing that Joseph was alive
c) was very happy but decided to stay home because he was too old to travel

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성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교