▶ 집/궁 House. 

There are but few things mentioned in scripture that throw light upon the construction of the houses in the East. Of modern eastern houses it may be said the backs of the houses are in the street. There is a door, with perhaps a lattice over it, and one or two lattices high up, with all the rest a blank wall. A house may be watched all day, and not a soul be seen, unless some one comes to the door, though all going on in the street may be seen from the lattices. The door opens into a porch or passage, which leads into an open court, but so arranged that no one can see into the court when the door is opened. The court is large, sometimes open to the sky, in which visitors are received and business transacted: some have two courts, or even three. Often there is a fountain and trees in the court. Around the court are entrances to more private rooms, where meals are served and to chambers where the inmates repose. The 'parlour' where Samuel entertained Saul would be one of such rooms.

Stairs in the corner of the court lead to upper private rooms; and often there are stairs outside the house that lead to the roof. These enabled the sick man to be carried to the roof in Mark 2:4, when entrance could not be obtained by the door. The roof is often made of sticks, thorn bushes, mortar and earth; which often have to be rolled to consolidate the structure after rain. A hole could easily be broken through such a roof to let down the paralytic. Other roofs were more substantial, with a parapet round them for safety. On such roofs persons retired for private conversation and for prayer, 1 Sam. 9:25; Acts 10:9; and in the evening for coolness. 2 Sam. 11:2.

(막02:4 무리를 인하여 예수께 데려갈 수 없으므로 그 계신 곳의 지붕을 뜯어 구멍을 내고 중풍병자의 누운 상을 달아내리니

(삼상09:25 그들이 산당에서 내려 성에 들어가서는 사무엘이 사울과 함께 지붕에서 담화하고

(행10:9 이튿날 저희가 행하여 성에 가까이 갔을 그 때에 베드로가 기도하려고 지붕에 올라가니 시간은 제 육시더라 

(삼하11:2 저녁때에 다윗이 그 침상에서 일어나 왕궁 지붕 위에서 거닐다가 그곳에서 보니 한 여인이 목욕을 하는데 심히 아름다와 보이는지라

The Lord speaks of the disciples publishing on the housetop what He had told them privately. Matt. 10:27; Luke 12:3. This mode of proclamation may often be seen in the East when the public crier calls out from the housetop the information he has to make known.

(마10:27 내가 너희에게 어두운데서 이르는 것을 광명한데서 말하며 너희가 귓속으로 듣는 것을 집 위에서 전파하라

(눅12:3 이러므로 너희가 어두운데서 말한 모든 것이 광명한데서 들리고 너희가 골방에서 귀에 대고 말한 것이 집 위에서 전파되리라

Houses were mostly built of stone, that being plentiful and wood comparatively scarce. In Bashan there are still numbers of ancient houses, solidly built of stone, some with the ancient stone doors still on their hinges, or rather pivots, many of the houses having no inhabitant. Temporary houses and those for the poor were often built of mud, which could easily be dug through by a thief, and which left to themselves soon became a heap of rubbish. Job 4:19; Job 15:28; Job 24:16; Matt. 24:43. Cattle were often kept in some part of the house, as they are to this day, for safety. 1 Sam. 28:24.

(욥04:19 하물며 흙 집에 살며 티끌로 터를 삼고 하루살이에게라도 눌려 죽을 자이겠느냐

(욥15:28 그는 황무한 성읍, 사람이 살지 아니하는 집, 돌 무더기가 될 곳에 거하였음이니라

(욥24:16 밤에 집을 뚫는 자는 낮에는 문을 닫고 있은즉 광명을 알지 못하나니

(마24:43 너희가 알지 못함이니라 너희도 아는 바니 만일 집 주인이 도적이 어느 경점에 올 줄을 알았더면 깨어 있어 그 집을 뚫지 못하게 하였으리라

(삼상28:24 여인의 집에 살진 송아지가 있으므로 그것을 급히 잡고 가루를 취하여 뭉쳐 무교병을 만들고 구워서

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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