▶ 갈대아 언어 Chaldean Language. 

At Babylon Daniel and his companions had to acquire 'the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans,' that is, their ancient literature and language. Dan. 1:4. The question is what was that language? In Dan. 2:4 we find that the wise men answered the king in the Syriac language, that is Aramaic: cf. Ezra 4:7. The Hebrew language is held to be closely related to the Aramaic: that the two are not the same is evident from Isa. 36:11, where the Jewish leaders asked Rabshakeh to speak in the Syrian language, and not in the Jews' language, that the Jews generally should not understand what was said. There must be some reason why in Daniel it is said the wise men answered the king in 'Aramaic:' this is held to be not the learned and court language, but the common language of the people; and the wise men may have used it that all who heard it might judge of the reasonableness of what they said, though the king might condemn them. The language spoken at court would be different and has been judged by some to be a branch of the Aryan dialect, the ancient language of Central Asia; or perhaps it may have been the ancient Accadian.

(단01:4 곧 흠이 없고 아름다우며 모든 재주를 통달하며 지식이 구비하며 학문에 익숙하여 왕궁에 모실만한 소년을 데려오게 하였고 그들에게 갈대아 사람의 학문과 방언을 가르치게 하였고

(단02:4 갈대아 술사들이 아람 방언(Syriack)으로 왕에게 말하되 왕이여 만세수를 하옵소서 왕은 그 꿈을 종들에게 이르시면 우리가 해석하여 드리겠나이다

(스04:7 아닥사스다 때에 비슬람과 미드르닷과 다브엘과 그 동료들이 바사 왕 아닥사스다에게 글을 올렸으니 그 글은 아람 문자와 아람 방언(Syrian tongue)으로 써서 진술하였더라

(사36:11 이에 엘리아김과 셉나와 요아가 랍사게에게 이르되 우리가 아람 방언(the Syrian language)을 아오니 청컨대 그 방언으로 당신의 종들에게 말씀하고 성위에 있는 백성의 듣는데서 유다 방언으로 말하지 마소서

As to the writing, the inscriptions found at Assyria, Babylon, and Persia are cut in stone or stamped on bricks in the cuneiform (that is, wedge-shaped) characters. It is known that there was an earlier mode of writing by hieroglyphics which could easily be painted upon papyrus, but which could not without great labour be cut in hard stone, and it is probable that this led to the adoption of the wedge-shaped characters, in which there are no curves: by the variation in position, and number of short and long wedges every sound could be represented, and every proper name spelled. Darius is thus represented on a Persian inscription at Behistun.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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