▶ 큰 성 바벨론 Babylon the Great.  [Bab'ylon]

This is also called "MYSTERY," "THE MOTHER OF THE HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." Rev. 17:5.  Some great religious system is alluded to, with whom the kings of the earth had had illicit intercourse, and by whom the merchants of the earth had been made rich. It had also been guilty of shedding the blood of the saints and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus It is compared to a woman arrayed in purple and scarlet, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a cup in her hand, full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. Could there possibly be drawn a more vivid and life-like portrait of the worldly and idolatrous system of the apostate Church, whose centre is at Rome, than is here drawn by the pen of the Holy Spirit ? To make it doubly sure as to who is represented by the description it is added "The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth,"  Rev. 17:9, 'the seven-hilled city' being a well-known appellation of Rome.

(계17:5,9 5 그 이마에 이름이 기록되었으니 비밀이라, 큰 바벨론이라, 땅의 음녀들과 가증한 것들의 어미라 하였더라 9 지혜 있는 뜻이 여기 있으니 그 일곱 머리는 여자가 앉은 일곱 산이요

It is further revealed that the ten horns (the ten kingdoms of the future Roman empire) will make war with the woman, make her desolate and naked, will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. Heaven, the apostles and prophets are called on to rejoice over the fall of that seductive and soul-destroying system: cf. Rev. 14:8; Rev. 16:19; Rev. 17:1-18; Rev. 18:1-24; Rev. 19:1-3.

(계14:8; 또 다른 천사 곧 둘째가 그 뒤를 따라 말하되 무너졌도다 무너졌도다 큰 성 바벨론이여 모든 나라를 그 음행으로 인하여 진노의 포도주로 먹이던 자로다 하더라

(계16:19; 19 큰 성이 세 갈래로 갈라지고 만국의 성들도 무너지니 큰 성 바벨론이 하나님 앞에 기억하신 바 되어 그의 맹렬한 진노의 포도주 잔을 받으매

(계19:1-3.1 이 일 후에 내가 들으니 하늘에 허다한 무리의 큰 음성 같은 것이 있어 가로되 할렐루야 구원과 영광과 능력이 우리 하나님께 있도다 2 그의 심판은 참되고 의로운지라 음행으로 땅을 더럽게 한 큰 음녀를 심판하사 자기 종들의 피를 그의 손에 갚으셨도다 하고 3 두번째 가로되 할렐루야 하더니 그 연기가 세세토록 올라가더라 

It should be noted that though Papal Rome is one of the worst of the antichrists, and the one that has had sway for the longest period; yet she is not what is called in scripture the Antichrist or Man of sin: she is rather the anti-church. He also is found in the Revelation as a beast, having two horns like a lamb, and speaking as a dragon; and also as the false prophet. Rev. 13:11; Rev. 20:10.   See ANTICHRIST.

(계13:11 내가 보매 또 다른 짐승이 땅에서 올라오니 새끼양 같이 두 뿔이 있고 용처럼 말하더라

(계20:10 또 저희를 미혹하는 마귀가 불과 유황 못에 던지우니 거기는 그 짐승과 거짓 선지자들도 있어 세세토록 밤낮 괴로움을 받으리라 

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