LLM0103] Cain and Abel


1. When were Cain and Abel born?
2. What were Cain and Abel when they grew up?

3. Why did Cain become angry?
4. What did Cain say to the LORD when asked where Abel was?

5. What did the LORD do to Cain?

● Choice One

1. Eve’s first baby was named:
a) Jack
b) Cain
c) Charles

2. Eve’s second baby was named:
a) Fred
b) Michael
c) Abel

3. Abel was a:
a) policeman
b) fireman
c) shepherd

4. Cain was a:
a) doctor
b) farmer
c) teacher

5. Abel was a keeper of:
a) goats
b) sheep
c) cows

6. Cain grew:
a) fruit
b) berries
c) crops from the ground

7. When it came time to bring an offering, Abel brought a:
a) bull
b) pigeon
c) lamb

8. Cain brought for the offering something he:
a) made
b) grew in the ground
c) found on a bush

9. When Cain’s offering did not please the Lord, Cain was:
a) not worried about it
b) sad
c) angry

10. Cain killed Abel when they were:
a) hunting
b) fishing
c) talking in the field

11. When the Lord asked Cain where Abel was, Cain said:
a) “he went home”
b) “he’s with his sheep”
c) “I don’t know, am I my brother’s keeper?”

12. The Lord told Cain he would be a:
a) baker
b) tentmaker
c) fugitive and traveller

13. Cain made his home in a land called:
a) Eden
b) Earth
c) Nod

14. Cain’s wife had a baby they named:
a) Joseph
b) Adam
c) Enoch

15. Cain built a:
a) house
b) barn
c) city

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