▶ 겨자씨 Mustard Seed. -plantsbible 

This is mentioned as something very small to which the faith of the apostles did not rise; and the kingdom of God is spoken of as being like this small seed, which nevertheless grows into a tree large enough for the birds to lodge in its branches. Various surmises have been made as to what tree is alluded to. The one that best answers to the description is the sinapis nigra, a common mustard plant in Palestine. Its seeds are very small, and it grows to a tree of some ten feet high, quite large enough for the smaller birds to lodge in its branches. There is also the salvadora persica, which grows still higher. The teaching of the parable is that the kingdom of God would become elevated in the earth and suitable for emissaries of Satan to find protection under its shadow. Matt. 13:31; Matt. 17:20; Mark 4:31; Luke 13:19; Luke 17:6.  In Matt. 13 it says that, "when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs," yet it "becometh a tree." This reads as if its normal class was that of a large herb, but by some mysterious means it became a tree.

(마13:31; 또 비유를 베풀어 가라사대 천국은 마치 사람이 자기 밭에 갖다 심은 겨자씨 한 알 같으니

(마17:20; 가라사대 너희 믿음이 적은 연고니라 진실로 너희에게 이르노니 너희가 만일 믿음이 한 겨자씨만큼만 있으면 이 산을 명하여 여기서 저기로 옮기라 하여도 옮길 것이요 또 너희가 못할 것이 없으리라

(막04:31; 겨자씨 한 알과 같으니 땅에 심길 때에는 땅위의 모든 씨보다 작은 것이로되

(눅13:19; 마치 사람이 자기 채전에 갖다 심은 겨자씨 한 알 같으니 자라 나무가 되어 공중의 새들이 그 가지에 깃들였느니라

(눅17:6. 주께서 가라사대 너희에게 겨자씨 한알만한 믿음이 있었더면 이 뽕나무더러 뿌리가 뽑혀 바다에 심기우라 하였을 것이요 그것이 너희에게 순종하였으리라

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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