▶ 음악/음악가 Music, Musicians, Musical Instruments. 

The harp and the organ, or pipe, were in use as early as Gen. 4:21. Laban, when chiding with Jacob for secretly leaving him, said he would have sent him away "with songs, with tabret, and with harp." Gen. 31:27. The monuments show that the Egyptians had various musical instruments, the Israelites, therefore, if they had not known their use before going into Egypt, could have learnt it there. When Moses sang the song of triumph at the Red Sea, Miriam answered with a tabret in her hand; and Samuel told Saul that he would meet a company of prophets with a psaltery, a tabret, a pipe, and a harp. 1 Sam. 10:5.

(창04:21 그 아우의 이름은 유발이니 그는 수금과 퉁소를 잡는 모든 자의 조상이 되었으며 
(창31:27 내가 즐거움과 노래와 북과 수금으로 너를 보내겠거늘 어찌하여 네가 나를 속이고 가만히 도망하고 내게 고하지 아니하였으며
(삼상10:5 그 후에 네가 하나님의 산에 이르리니 그곳에는 블레셋 사람의 영문이 있느니라 네가 그리로 가서 그 성읍으로 들어갈 때에 선지자의 무리가 산당에서부터 비파와 소고와 저와 수금을 앞세우고 예언하며 내려오는 것을 만날 것이요

There must have been with these prophets some knowledge of music, which doubtless under David was further cultivated and devoted to the service of God, their music being intimately connected with temple worship. He had several companies of singers, and players on instruments, which are often mentioned in the Psalms. As these were indited under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we may conclude that this way of celebrating the praises of God was in accordance with the dispensation that then was. Such an exhortation as "Praise him with the psaltery and harp," is beautifully in place in the Psalms; but in the N.T. dispensation it is, "singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;" and "I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also." "They that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."

In the headings of fifty-five of the Psalms the words occur, "To the chief musician;" the word is natsach, and simply means 'to the chief or the leader,' and may therefore apply as much to the singers as to the musicians. The musical instruments are considered under their various names.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약, 테마별,