▶ 어미/어머니 Mother. 

The law commanded that honour was to be paid to a mother as well as to a father. In nearly all cases the mothers of the kings of Israel are mentioned as well as the fathers. The wise woman who appealed to Joab as 'a mother in Israel,' was at once listened to. 2 Sam. 20:19. A mother has naturally great influence over her children, whether for good or evil, as Jochebed the mother of Moses, and Jezebel the mother of Athaliah. The children of the virtuous woman arise and call her blessed. Prov. 31:28. Timothy had a faithful mother and grandmother. 2 Tim. 1:5. There are also 'mothers' in the church, who have the Lord's interests at heart in the welfare of the saints, as Paul called the mother of Rufus his own mother also. Rom. 16:13.

(삼하20:19 나는 이스라엘의 화평하고 충성된 자 중 하나이어늘 당신이 이스라엘 가운데 어미 같은 성을 멸하고자 하시는도다 어찌하여 당신이 여호와의 기업을 삼키고자 하시나이까

(잠31:28 그 자식들은 일어나 사례하며 그 남편은 칭찬하기를 

(딤후01:5 이는 네 속에 거짓이 없는 믿음을 생각함이라 이 믿음은 먼저 네 외조모 로이스와 네 어머니 유니게 속에 있더니 네 속에도 있는 줄을 확신하노라 

(롬16:13 주 안에서 택하심을 입은 루포와 그 어머니에게 문안하라 그 어머니는 곧 내 어머니니라

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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