Titus Chapter 02 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

The duties which become sound doctrine. (1-8)
Believing servants must be obedient. (9,10)
All is enforced from the holy design of the gospel, which concerns all believers. (11-15)

Verses 1-8 Old disciples of Christ must behave in every thing agreeably to the Christian doctrine. That the aged men be sober; not thinking that the decays of nature will justify any excess; but seeking comfort from nearer communion with God, not from any undue indulgence. Faith works by, and must be seen in love, of God for himself, and of men for God's sake. Aged persons are apt to be peevish and fretful; therefore need to be on their guard. Though there is not express Scripture for every word, or look, yet there are general rules, according to which all must be ordered. Young women must be sober and discreet; for many expose themselves to fatal temptations by what at first might be only want of discretion. The reason is added, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. Failures in duties greatly reproach Christianity. Young men are apt to be eager and thoughtless, therefore must be earnestly called upon to be sober-minded: there are more young people ruined by pride than by any other sin. Every godly man's endeavour must be to stop the mouths of adversaries. Let thine own conscience answer for thine uprightness. What a glory is it for a Christian, when that mouth which would fain open itself against him, cannot find any evil in him to speak of!

○딛2:1 바른 교훈
딛 2:1 오직 너는 바른 교훈에 합한 것을 말하여 
딛 2:2 늙은 남자로는 절제하며 경건하며 근신하며 믿음과 사랑과 인내함에 온전케 하고 
딛 2:3 늙은 여자로는 이와 같이 행실이 거룩하며 참소치 말며 많은 술의 종이 되지 말며 선한 것을 가르치는 자들이 되고 
딛 2:4 저들로 젊은 여자들을 교훈하되 그 남편과 자녀를 사랑하며 

  딛2:5 권면 권위의 책망
딛 2:5 근신하며 순전하며 집안 일을 하며 선하며 자기 남편에게 복종하게 하라 이는 하나님의 말씀이 훼방을 받지 않게 하려 함이니라 
딛 2:6 너는 이와 같이 젊은 남자들을 권면하여 근신하게 하되 
딛 2:7 범사에 네 자신으로 선한 일의 본을 보여 교훈의 부패치 아니함과 경건함과 
딛 2:8 책망할 것이 없는 바른 말을 하게 하라 이는 대적하는 자로 하여금 부끄러워 우리를 악하다 할 것이 없게 하려 함이라 

Verses 9-10 Servants must know and do their duty to their earthly masters, with a reference to their heavenly one. In serving an earthly master according to Christ's will, He is served; such shall be rewarded by him. Not giving disrespectful or provoking language; but to take a check or reproof with silence, not making confident or bold replies. When conscious of a fault, to excuse or justify it, doubles it. Never putting to their own use that which is their master's, nor wasting the goods they are trusted with. Showing all good fidelity to improve a master's goods, and promote his thriving. If ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own? ( Luke 16:12 ) . True religion is an honour to the professors of it; and they should adorn it in all things.

딛 2:9 종들로는 자기 상전들에게 범사에 순종하여 기쁘게 하고 거스려 말하지 말며 
딛 2:10 떼어 먹지 말고 오직 선한 충성을 다하게 하라 이는 범사에 우리 구주 하나님의 교훈을 빛나게 하려 함이라 

Verses 11-15 The doctrine of grace and salvation by the gospel, is for all ranks and conditions of men. It teaches to forsake sin; to have no more to do with it. An earthly, sensual conversation suits not a heavenly calling. It teaches to make conscience of that which is good. We must look to God in Christ, as the object of our hope and worship. A gospel conversation must be a godly conversation. See our duty in a very few words; denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, living soberly, righteously, and godly, notwithstanding all snares, temptations, corrupt examples, ill usage, and what remains of sin in the believer's heart, with all their hinderances. It teaches to look for the glories of another world. At, and in, the glorious appearing of Christ, the blessed hope of Christians will be complete: To bring us to holiness and happiness was the end of Christ's death. Jesus Christ, that great God and our Saviour, who saves not only as God, much less as Man alone; but as God-man, two natures in one person. He loved us, and gave himself for us; and what can we do less than love and give up ourselves to him! Redemption from sin and sanctification of the nature go together, and make a peculiar people unto God, free from guilt and condemnation, and purified by the Holy Spirit. All Scripture is profitable. Here is what will furnish for all parts of duty, and the right discharge of them. Let us inquire whether our whole dependence is placed upon that grace which saves the lost, pardons the guilty, and sanctifies the unclean. And the further we are removed from boasting of fancied good works, or trusting in them, so that we glory in Christ alone, the more zealous shall we be to abound in real good works.

딛 2:11 모든 사람에게 구원을 주시는 하나님의 은혜가 나타나 

  딛2:12 권고와 마지막 인사
딛 2:12 우리를 양육하시되 경건치 않은 것과 이 세상 정욕을 다 버리고 근신함과 의로움과 경건함으로 이 세상에 살고 
딛 2:13 복스러운 소망과 우리의 크신 하나님 구주 예수 그리스도의 영광이 나타나심을 기다리게 하셨으니
딛 2:14 그가 우리를 대신하여 자신을 주심은 모든 불법에서 우리를 구속하시고 우리를 깨끗하게 하사 선한 일에 열심하는 친 백성이 되 게 하려 하심이니라 
딛 2:15 너는 이것을 말하고 권면하며 모든 권위로 책망하여 누구에게든지 업신여김을 받지 말라 

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