▶ 눈동자 Apple of the Eye. 

1.  ishon.   Gesenius says this word signifies 'little man' and then 'the little man of the eye; 'that is, "the pupil of the eye in which, as in a mirror, a person sees his own image reflected in miniature." He says "this pleasing image is found in several languages." It is the part of the eye specially to be guarded: God preserved His own as the apple of His eye. Deut. 32:10; Ps. 17:8. His law should be kept as a precious thing. Prov. 7:2. 

(신32:10 여호와께서 그를 황무지에서, 짐승의 부르짖는 광야에서 만나시고 호위하시며 보호하시며 자기 눈동자 같이 지키셨도다

(시017:8  나를 눈동자 같이 지키시고 주의 날개 그늘 아래 감추사

(잠07:2  내 명령을 지켜서 살며 내 법을 네 눈동자처럼 지키라

2.  babah,  the black or pupil of the eye, or, as others, 'the gate of the eye.' To touch God's people is touching the apple of His eye. Zech. 2:8.

(슥02:8 만군의 여호와께서 이같이 말씀하시되 너희를 노략한 열국으로 영광을 위하여 나를 보내셨나니 무릇 너희를 범하는 자는 그의 눈동자를 범하는 것이라

3.  bath,  daughter. The sense is, Let not the apple (the daughter) of thine eye cease to shed tears. Lam. 2:18. In all places 'the apple of the eye' is a beautifully figurative expression for that which must be tenderly cherished as a most choice treasure.

(애02:18 저희 마음이 주를 향하여 부르짖기를 처녀 시온의 성곽아 너는 밤낮으로 눈물을 강처럼 흘릴찌어다 스스로 쉬지 말고 네 눈동자로 쉬게 하지 말찌어다

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