▶ 자색 Purple.

A colour often mentioned with blue and scarlet in connection with the tabernacle. Ex. 25:4, etc. Among the spoils taken from the Midianites under Gideon was "purple raiment that was on the kings," and it is used as a symbol of royalty. Judges 8:26. In derision the soldiers put a crown of thorns and a 'purple' robe on the Lord, as king of the Jews. Mark 15:17, 20; John 19:2, 5. The rich man in Luke 16:19 was clothed in purple; and papal Rome is seen as a woman clothed in purple and scarlet, royalty and splendour. Rev. 17:4; Rev. 18:12, 16.

(출25:4, 청색 자색 홍색실과 가는 베실과 염소털과 

(삿08:26. 기드온의 청한바 금 귀고리 중수가 금 일천 칠백 세겔이요 그 외에 또 새 달 형상의 장식과 패물과 미디안 왕들의 입었던 자색 의복과 그 약대 목에 둘렀던 사슬이 있었더라

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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