▶ 사자, 천사(Angels 4.)

4.  The term 'angel' is used metaphorically for a mystical representative. When Peter was delivered from prison, and knocked at the door, those who had been praying for his release said, "It is his angel." Acts 12:15. They supposed Peter was still in prison, and that the one at the door was his representative, his spirit personified, perhaps with very vague ideas of what they really meant. In Revelation 2, 3, the addresses to the seven churches are made to the angel of each. It signifies the spirit and character of the assembly personified in its mystical representative, each one differing from the others, according to the state of the assembly. The messages, though addressed to churches existing at the time, no doubt set forth the state of the church in its varied phases ever since apostolic times down to its entire rejection as the responsible witness for Christ at the close of the dispensation.

(행12:15 저희가 말하되 네가 미쳤다 하나 계집 아이는 힘써 말하되 참말이라 하니 저희가 말하되 그러면 그의 천사라 하더라

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약, 테마별,