▶ 큰 바다 짐승, 바다 괴물 Whale. 

The word tannin, Gen. 1:21; Job 7:12; Ezek. 32:2; and κῆτος Matt. 12:40; refer to any sea monsters, without defining any particular one. In the case of Jonah the Hebrew word is dag, or dagah, a fish; it may not have been a whale: sharks have been known to swallow men entire, and whatever fish it was that swallowed him, it was a miracle that preserved him alive, and caused him to be safely landed on shore again. It is only by denying the miracle that any difficulty arises. The Hebrew word tannin is also translated in the A.V. 'dragon,' 'sea monster,' and 'serpent.'

(창01:21 큰 바다 짐승 (욥07:12 바다 괴물 (겔32:2 바다 가운데의 큰 악어 (마12:40 큰 물고기

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary -animalbible

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