▶ 역청 Pitch.

A kind of bitumen. Noah covered the ark with pitch inside and outside. Gen. 6:14. The ark in which the infant Moses was put, was likewise thus rendered waterproof. Ex. 2:3. Among God's judgements on the earth the streams are turned into pitch, and the land into burning pitch. Isa. 34:9. Different words are employed in the Hebrew of Gen. 6:14 from the other passages. Noah was to pitch (kaphar, 'to cover,' often translated 'atonement') the ark with pitch (kopher, translated 'ransom') as if to teach that Noah and those with him could be saved only by being covered with a ransom, and which would introduce them to a new earth.

(창06:14 너는 잣나무로 너를 위하여 방주를 짓되 그 안에 간들을 막고 역청으로 그 안팎에 칠하라

(출02:3 더 숨길 수 없이 되매 그를 위하여 갈 상자를 가져다가 역청과 나무 진을 칠하고 아이를 거기 담아 하숫가 갈대 사이에 두고

(사34:9 에돔의 시내들은 변하여 역청이 되고 그 티끌은 유황이 되고 그 땅은 불 붙는 역청이 되며

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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