▶ 의원 Physician.

The Lord said, "They that be whole need not a physician," showing that then, as now, the work of such persons was to cure diseases. In the O.T. the word is rapha, 'to heal,' and in Gen. 50:2 Joseph called upon such to embalm the body of his father, a certain amount of chemical knowledge being needed also for that. The Lord promised to the Israelites that if they obeyed Him He would preserve them from the diseases that were common in Egypt. On the other hand, there are many proofs in scripture that diseases were sent as a punishment for the sins of His people. For any remedy for such, their eyes should have been directed to Him who was disciplining them. Of Asa it is said, "he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians," which probably means those associated with magic. 2 Chr. 16:12. 

(창50:2 그 수종 의사에게 명하여 향 재료로 아비의 몸에 넣게 하매 의사가 이스라엘에게 그대로 하되

(대하16:12 아사가 왕이 된지 삼십 구년에 그 발이 병들어 심히 중하나 병이 있을 때에 저가 여호와께 구하지 아니하고 의원들에게 구하였더라 

The Christian should surely be cast upon the Lord in his sicknesses, and be exercised as to why they are sent or allowed, though doubtless he may use the means, without trusting to them apart from the blessing of God upon them. Jehovah Himself was the physician of His people Israel, ready at all times to heal and restore them. Jer. 8:22.  Job, in the bitterness of his soul, found his friends to be physicians of no value. They did not understand his case, and only added to his misery. Job 13:4. 

(렘08:22 길르앗에는 유향이 있지 아니한가 그곳에는 의사가 있지 아니한가 딸 내 백성이 치료를 받지 못함은 어찜인고

(욥13:4 너희는 거짓말을 지어내는 자요 다 쓸데 없는 의원이니라

In the N.T. ἰατρός signifies 'healer.' The Lord Jesus was the Great Healer not only of the diseases of the body, but of the soul. Luke 4:23. A woman who had spent her all on physicians without relief obtained from Him an immediate cure. Luke 8:43. Luke was called 'the beloved physician,' though there is no information as to his practising this profession. Col. 4:14. 

(눅04:23 예수께서 저희에게 이르시되 너희가 반드시 의원아 너를 고치라 하는 속담을 인증하여 내게 말하기를 우리의 들은바 가버나움에서 행한 일을 네 고향 여기서도 행하라 하리라

(눅08:43 이에 열 두 해를 혈루증으로 앓는 중에 아무에게도 고침을 받지 못하던 여자가

(골04:14 사랑을 받는 의원 누가와 또 데마가 너희에게 문안하느니라

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