▶ 독사 Adder. -animalbible -sns cf.viper

There are four words thus translated.

1.  akshub. Ps. 140:3. This word occurs but once, and simply compares the wicked to adders who have 'poison under their lips.' It cannot be identified. 

(시140:3 뱀 같이 그 혀를 날카롭게 하니 그 입술 아래는 독사의 독이 있나이다(셀라)

2.  pethen. Ps. 58:4; Ps. 91:13, reading in the margin of both 'asp.' The wicked are compared to the deaf adder that stoppeth her ears. There is an old tradition that the adder sometimes laid one ear in the dust and covered the other with its tail; but they have no external ears: that all known adders can hear is well attested by those called serpent charmers, though some species are more easily attracted than others. The above name is held to point to the deadly Cobra. The same Hebrew word is translated 'asp' in Deut. 32:33; Job 20:14, 16; Isa. 11:8, simply pointing to it as poisonous or dangerous. 

(시058:4 저희의 독은 뱀의 독 같으며 저희는 귀를 막은 귀머거리 독사 같으니

(시091:13 네가 사자와 독사를 밟으며 젊은 사자와 뱀을 발로 누르리로다

(신32:33 그들의 포도주는 뱀의 독이요 독사의 악독이라

(욥20:14, 16; 14 그 식물이 창자 속에서 변하며 뱃속에서 독사의 쓸개가 되느니라 16 그가 독사의 독을 빨며 뱀의 혀에 죽을 것이라

(사11:8 젖먹는 아이가 독사의 구멍에서 장난하며 젖뗀 어린 아이가 독사의 굴에 손을 넣을 것이라

3.  tsiphoni. This is only once translated 'adder' in the text, Prov. 23:32, but is four times translated 'cockatrice,' in Isa. 11:8; Isa. 14:29; Isa. 59:5, referring to its poison, and Jer. 8:17 to the fact that it will not be charmed, but will bite. This is supposed to be the 'yellow viper' of Palestine, which lurks in dens, and whose poison is deadly. It is said to resist the arts of the serpent charmers. The cockatrice was a fabulous creature, and was perhaps adopted by the translators to designate some unknown deadly snake. 

(잠23:32 이것이 마침내 뱀 같이 물 것이요 독사 같이 쏠 것이며

(사11:8 젖먹는 아이가 독사의 구멍에서 장난하며 젖뗀 어린 아이가 독사의 굴에 손을 넣을 것이라

(사14:29 블레셋 온 땅이여 너를 치던 막대기가 부러졌다고 기뻐하지 말라 뱀의 뿌리에서는 독사가 나겠고 그 열매는 나는 불뱀이 되리라

(사59:5 독사의 알을 품으며 거미줄을 짜나니 그 알을 먹는 자는 죽을 것이요 그 알이 밟힌즉 터져서 독사가 나올 것이니라

4.  shephiphon. Gen. 49:17. This is identified with the Cerastes, or horned viper, so called because of having two short horns on its head. It is a small destructive snake, rarely more than two feet long. It is called in the margin 'an arrow-snake.' It lies in holes or ruts and darts upon an animal passing: and this well agrees with the above text, where Dan is compared to "an adder in the path that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward:" typical of apostasy and the power of Satan. 

(창49:17 단은 길의 뱀이요 첩경의 독사리로다 말굽을 물어서 그 탄 자로 뒤로 떨어지게 하리로다 

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary -animalbible

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