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Chapter 021-05 호랑이굴을 벗어난 현덕 


10. 勉從虎穴暫趨身,說破英雄驚殺人。



 Liu Bei gasped, and the spoon and chopsticks rattled to the floor. Now just at that moment the storm burst with a tremendous peal of thunder and rush of rain.

 Liu Bei stooped down to recover the fallen articles, saying, "What a shock! And it was quite close."

 "What! Are you afraid of thunder?" said Cao Cao.

 Liu Bei replied, "The Sage One paled at a sudden peal of thunder or fierce gust of wind. Why should one not fear?"

 Thus he glossed over the real fact, that it was the words he had heard that had so startled him.

  Constrained to lodge in a tiger's lair, 
He played a waiting part, 
But when Cao Cao talked of breaking humans, 
Then terror gripped his heart. 

But he cleverly used the thunder peal 
As excuse for turning pale; 
O quick to seize occasions thus! 
He surely must prevail.

 The shower had passed, and there appeared two men rushing through the garden, both armed. In spite of the attendants, they forced their way to the pavilion where sat the two friends. They were Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

 The two brothers had been outside the city at archery practice when Cao Cao's invitation had come so peremptorily. On their return they heard that two officers had arrived and led away Liu Bei to the Prime Minister. They hastened to his palace and were told their brother was with his host in the grounds, and they feared something had happened. So they rushed in.

 Now when they saw their brother quietly talking with Cao Cao and enjoying a cup of wine, they took up their usual places and meekly stood waiting.

 "Why did you come?" said Cao Cao.

 "We heard that you, Sir, had invited our brother to a wine party, and we came to amuse you with a little sword play," said they.

 "This is not a Hongmen Banquet," replied Cao Cao. "What use have we for Xiang Chang and Xiang Ba of old?"

 Liu Bei smiled. The host ordered wine to be served to the two "Fan Kuais" to allay their anxiety and, soon after, the three took their leave and returned homeward.

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