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Chapter 019-08 여포의 죽음 




 Thereupon Lu Bu remained in his own quarters with his ladies, drinking freely to dissipate his sorrows.

 Two of his advisers, Xu Si and Wang Kai, went in and proposed, "Yuan Shu in the South of River Huai is very powerful. Why not write to him to renew the marriage alliance? Yuan Shu can hardly refuse to rescue the affianced bride of his son."

 So Lu Bu wrote and bade these two take the letter.

 Xu Si said, "You ought to send a strong escort with us to force a way through."

 So Lu Bu told off one thousand troops and two of his generals, Zhang Liao and He Meng, to conduct his messenger beyond the pass.

 They started that same night at the second watch, Zhang Liao leading and He Meng bringing up the rear. They got out of the city, crept past Liu Bei's camp, and got beyond the danger zone. Then half the escort went on, and Zhang Liao led the remainder back toward the city. At the pass he found Guan Yu waiting. However, at that moment Gao Shun came to his help, and they all returned and reentered the gates.

 The two messengers presently reached Shouchun, saw Yuan Shu, and presented the letter.

 "How is this?" said Yuan Shu. "Formerly he slew my messenger and repudiated the marriage. Now he sends to ask for it."

 "It is all due to the vile plans of that monster Cao Cao. If pray you, Illustrious Sir, consider it carefully," replied Xu Si.

 "But if your master was not hemmed in by his enemy and in imminent danger, he would never have thought of renewing this proposal of marriage."

 The messengers said, "You may decide not to help him, but the teeth are cold when the lips are gone. It will not make for your happiness and comfort."

 Said Yuan Shu, "Lu Bu is unreliable. Tell him that I will send soldiers after the girl has arrived here."

 This was final, and the two messengers took leave and headed back to Xiapi.

 When the party reached Liu Bei's camp, Xu Si decided, "We must wait the night falls, and Wang Kai and I will try to get through in the darkness. The escort of He Meng remaining behind to protect our rear."

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