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Chapter 011 유비의 진출과 조조의 패배 21
30.卻說呂布於寨中勞軍。陳宮曰:「西寨是個要緊去處,倘或曹操襲之,奈何?」布曰:「他今日輸了一陣,如何敢來?」宮曰:「曹操是極能用兵之人,須防他攻我不備。」布乃撥高順并魏續、侯成引兵往守西寨。 卻說曹操於黃昏時分,引軍至西寨,四面突入。寨兵不能抵擋,四散奔走,曹操奪了寨。將及四更,高順方引軍到,殺將入來。曹操自引軍馬來迎,正逢高順,三軍混戰。將及天明,正西鼓聲大震,人報呂布自引軍來了。操棄寨而走。背後高順,魏續,侯成趕來,當頭呂布親自引軍來到。于禁,樂進,雙戰呂布不住,操望北而行。山後一彪軍出:左有張遼,右有臧霸。操使呂虔、曹洪戰之,不利,操望西而走。忽又喊聲大震,一彪軍至:郝萌,曹性,成廉,宋憲四將攔住去路。眾將死戰,操當先衝陣。梆子響處,箭如驟雨射將來。操不能前進,無計可脫,大叫:「誰人救我!」

In his camp Lu Bu was rejoicing for that day's victory, when Chen Gong reminded him, saying, "The western camp is importance point, and it might be attacked."

But Lu Bu replied, "The enemy will not dare approach after today's defeat."

"Cao Cao is a very able commander," replied Chen Gong. "You must keep a good lookout for him lest he attack our weak spot."

So arrangements were made for defense. Generals Gao Shun, Wei Xu, and Hou Cheng were ordered to march there.

At dusk Cao Cao reached the camp and began an immediate attack on all four sides. The defenders could not hold him off. They ran in all directions, and the camp was captured. Near the fourth watch, when the defending party came, Cao Cao sallied forth to meet them and met Gao Shun. Another battle then began and waged till dawn. About that time a rolling of drums was heard in the west, and they told Cao Cao that Lu Bu himself was at hand. Thereupon Cao Cao abandoned the attack and fled.

Gao Shun, Wei Xu, and Hou Cheng pursued him, while Lu Bu blocked his escape route. Cao Cao's two generals, Yu Jin and Yue Jing, attacked Lu Bu's troops but could not break them. Cao Cao went away north. But from behind some hills came out Zhang Liao and Zang Ba to attack. Lu Qian and Cao Hong were sent to stop the attackers, but Lu Qian and Cao Hong were both defeated. Cao Cao sought safety in the west. Here again his retreat was met by Lu Bu's four generals, Hao Meng, Cao Xing, Cheng Lian, and Song Xian.

The fight became desperate. Cao Cao dashed at the enemy's array. The din was terrible. Arrows fell like pelting rain upon them, and they could make no headway.

Cao Cao was desperate and cried out in fear, "Who can save me?"

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