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Chapter 009 동탁의 최후 21

Those generals---Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji---whom Dong Zhuo had left to guard Meiwo fled when their master was slain and went west into the county of Shanxi in Liangzhou Region. Thence they sent in a memorial entreating amnesty. But Wang Yun would not hear of it.

"Four of them were the chief instruments of Dong Zhuo's aggressions. Now though a general amnesty were proclaimed, these men should be excluded from its benefit," said Wang Yun.

The messenger returned and told the four there was no hope of pardon and they could only flee.

Then their adviser, Jia Xu, said, "If we throw away our arms and flee singly, then we shall fall easy victims to any village magistrate who may seize us. Rather let us cajole the people of Shanxi to throw in their lot with us and make a sudden onslaught on the capital and so avenge Dong Zhuo. If we succeed, we control the court and the empire. There will be enough time to run away if we fail."

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