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Chapter 007 손견의 죽음 07


Learning the movement, Yuan Shao sent out his army, and they met at River Pan. They halted on opposite sides of the river, over which was a bridge.

Gongsun Zan took his station on the bridge and cried to his enemy, "Renegade, how dared you mislead me?"

Yuan Shao rode to the other end of the bridge and, pointing at Gongsun Zan, replied, "Han Fu yielded place to me because he was unequal to the rule! What concern is it of yours?"

Gongsun Zan replied, "Formerly you were regarded as loyal and public spirited, and we chose you chief of the confederacy. Now your deeds prove you cruel and base and wolf-hearted in behavior! How can you look the world in the face?"

"Who will capture him?" cried Yuan Shao in a rage.

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