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Chapter 005 제후들의 반격 01


Cao Cao Appeals To The Powerful Lords;
The Three Brothers Fight Against Lu Bu.


1 At the close of the last chapter, Chen Gong was about to slay Cao Cao. But Chen Gong reflected, "I joined him to do righteous things. Now if I killed him, I would only do unrighteousness, and the people would condemn me. I rather leave in silence."

2 Rising from his bed before the sunrise, Chen Gong mounted his horse and rode away eastward to his home county of Dongjun.

3 Cao Cao awoke with the day and missed his companion. Thought he, "Chen Gong thinks me brutal because of a couple of egoistic phrases I used, and so he has gone. I ought to push on too and not linger here."

4 So Cao Cao traveled as quickly as possible toward Qiao. When he saw his father, he related what had happened and said he wanted to dispose of all the family property and enlist soldiers with the money.

5 "Our possessions are but small," said his father, "and not enough to do anything with. However, there is a graduate here, one Wei Hong, careless of wealth but careful of virtue, whose family is very rich. With his help we might hope for success."

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