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Chapter 039 박망파 싸움 18



Just at that moment they were summoned to their brother, who asked their advice.

"Why not send the 'Water,' brother?" said Zhang Fei.

"For method I rely on Zhuge Liang; but for action I put my faith in you, my brothers. Are you going to fail me?"

They went out, and Zhuge Liang was called.

"I fear your brothers will not obey me," said Zhuge Liang. "Wherefore, if I am to direct the campaign, you must give me a seal of office and a sword of authority."

So Liu Bei gave him both. Armed with these ensigns of power, Zhuge Liang assembled the officers to receive their orders.

"We will go just to see what he will do," said Zhang Fei to Guan Yu.

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