▶ 감동 Inspiration.

Though this word occurs in the Bible but once in reference to the scriptures, yet the one statement in which it is found is important and full of deep meaning: "Every scripture is divinely inspired [literally, 'God-breathed'], and is profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be complete, fully fitted to every good work." 2 Tim. 3:16, 17. This places all scripture on one basis as to inspiration, whether it be historical, doctrinal, or prophetic. We learn by this passage that not simply the persons who wrote were inspired, but the writings themselves are divinely inspired. Cf. 2 Peter 1:21.

(딤후03:16-17 16 모든 성경은 하나님의 감동으로 된 것으로 교훈과 책망과 바르게 함과 의로 교육하기에 유익하니 17 이는 하나님의 사람으로 온전케 하며 모든 선한 일을 행하기에 온전케 하려 함이니라

(벧전01:21 너희는 저를 죽은 자 가운데서 살리시고 영광을 주신 하나님을 그리스도로 말미암아 믿는 자니 너희 믿음과 소망이 하나님께 있게 하셨느니라

All writings are composed of words, and if these writings are inspired, the words are inspired. This is what is commonly called 'verbal inspiration.' Other passages speak of the importance of 'words:' Peter said, "To whom shall we go? thou hast the words (ῥήματα) of eternal life," John 6:68: and we find those words in the Gospels. When it was a question of Gentiles being brought into blessing without being circumcised, James in his address appealed to the 'words' of the prophets. Acts 15:15. Paul in writing to the Corinthian saints said, "Which things also we speak, not in the 'words' (λόγοι) which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth." 1 Cor. 2:13. The Holy Spirit taught Paul what words to use. The whole of scripture forms the word of God, and both in the O.T. and in the N.T. we read of 'the words of God.' 1 Chr. 25:5; Ezra 9:4; Ps. 107:11; John 3:34; John 8:47; Rev. 17:17. Neither must His word be added to, or taken from. Deut. 4:2; Deut. 12:32; Rev. 22:18, 19.

(요06:68 시몬 베드로가 대답하되 주여 영생의 말씀이 계시매 우리가 뉘게로 가오리이까

(행15:15 선지자들의 말씀이 이와 합하도다 기록된바

(고전02:13 우리가 이것을 말하거니와 사람의 지혜의 가르친 말로 아니하고 오직 성령의 가르치신 것으로 하니 신령한 일은 신령한 것으로 분별하느니라

(대상25:5 이는 다 헤만의 아들들이니 나팔을 부는 자며 헤만은 하나님의 말씀을 받드는 왕의 선견자라 하나님이 헤만에게 열 네 아들과 세 딸을 주셨더라

(스09:4 이에 이스라엘 하나님의 말씀을 인하여 떠는 자가 이 사로잡혔던 자의 죄를 인하여 다 내게로 모여 오더라 내가 저녁 제사 드릴 때까지 기가 막혀 앉았더니

(시107:11 하나님의 말씀을 거역하며 지존자의 뜻을 멸시함이라

(요03:34 하나님의 보내신 이는 하나님의 말씀을 하나니 이는 하나님이 성령을 한량 없이 주심이니라

(요08:47 하나님께 속한 자는 하나님의 말씀을 듣나니 너희가 듣지 아니함은 하나님께 속하지 아니하였음이로다

(계17:17 하나님이 자기 뜻대로 할 마음을 저희에게 주사 한 뜻을 이루게 하시고 저희 나라를 그 짐승에게 주게 하시되 하나님 말씀이 응하기까지 하심이니라

(신04:2 내가 너희에게 명하는 말을 너희는 가감하지 말고 내가 너희에게 명하는 너희 하나님 여호와의 명령을 지키라

(신12:32 내가 너희에게 명하는 이 모든 말을 너희는 지켜 행하고 그것에 가감하지 말지니라

(계22:18-19 18 내가 이 책의 예언의 말씀을 듣는 각인에게 증거하노니 만일 누구든지 이것들 외에 더하면 하나님이 이 책에 기록된 재앙들을 그에게 더하실 터이요 19 만일 누구든지 이 책의 예언의 말씀에서 제하여 버리면 하나님이 이 책에 기록된 생명 나무와 및 거룩한 성에 참예함을 제하여 버리시리라

The above passages should carry conviction to simple souls that every scripture is God-inspired. As nothing less than this is worthy of God, so nothing less than this would meet the need of man. Amid the many uncertain things around him he needs words upon which his faith can be based, and in the inspired scriptures he has them. The Lord Jesus said, "The words (ῥήματα) that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life." John 6:63. He had the words of eternal life; and, through the grace of God, many a soul has found them to be such, and has no more doubt of the plenary inspiration of scripture than of the existence of God Himself.

(요06:63 살리는 것은 영이니 육은 무익하니라 내가 너희에게 이른 말이 영이요 생명이라

It may be noted that scripture records the sayings of wicked men, and of Satan himself. It need scarcely be said that it is not the sayings but the records of them that are inspired. Paul also, when writing on the question of marriage, makes a distinction between what he wrote as his judgement, and what he wrote as commandments of the Lord. "I speak this by permission," he says; and again, "I give my judgement." 1 Cor. 7:6, 10, 12, 25. He was inspired to record his spiritual judgement and to point out that it was not a command.

(고전07:6,10,12,25 6 그러나 내가 이 말을 함은 권도요 명령은 아니라 10 혼인한 자들에게 내가 명하노니 (명하는 자는 내가 아니요 주시라) 여자는 남편에게서 갈리지 말고 12 그 남은 사람들에게 내가 말하노니 (이는 주의 명령이 아니라) 만일 어떤 형제에게 믿지 아니하는 아내가 있어 남편과 함께 살기를 좋아하거든 저를 버리지 말며 25 처녀에 대하여는 내가 주께 받은 계명이 없으되 주의 자비하심을 받아서 충성된 자가 되어 의견을 고하노니

Some have a difficulty as to what has been called the human element in inspiration. If the words of scripture are inspired, it has been asked, how is it that the style of the writer is so manifest? John's style, for instance, being clearly distinguishable from that of Paul. The simple answer is that it is as if one used, so to speak, different kinds of pens to write with. God made the mind of man as well as his body, and was surely able to use the mind of each of the writers He employed, and yet cause him to write exactly what He wished. God took possession of the mind of man to declare His own purposes with regard to man.

Further, it has been asserted that the doctrine of verbal inspiration is valueless, because of diversities in the Greek manuscripts, which in some places prevent any one from determining what are the words God caused to be written. But this does not in any way touch the question of inspiration, which is, that the words written were inspired by God. Whether we have a correct copy is quite another question. The variations in the Greek manuscripts do not affect any one of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity, and only in a few places are the words doubtful.

Another objection to the value of verbal inspiration is that most persons read scripture in a translation, the words of which cannot, it is alleged, be said to be inspired. But if the translation conveys exactly the same meaning as in the original, the words can be said to be inspired: for instance, the words 'God is love,' may surely be said to be the same as ὁ θεὸς ἀγάπη ἐστίν, or Deus caritas est, Dieu est amour, or Dio è carità, to those who can read them. It may be that the translations from which the above are taken cannot in all places be said to be the same as the Greek; but this only shows the great importance of each having a correct translation in his vernacular tongue. And it must not be forgotten that the Lord Himself and those who wrote the New Testament often quoted the Septuagint, which is a translation from the Hebrew; and they quoted it as scripture.

Nothing can exceed the importance of having true thoughts of the inspiration of scripture. As no human author would allow his amanuensis to write what he did not mean, so surely what is called the word of God is God's own production, though given through the instrumentality of man. Though there were many writers, separated by thousands of years, there is a divine unity in the whole, showing plainly that one and only one could have been its Author. That One can only have been the Almighty — Jehovah — now happily revealed to the Christian as his Father as well as his God.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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