▶ 본질적/성품/본성 Nature.

The inherent qualities of a being manifested in the various characteristics which mark and display its existence: the aggregate of such qualities is what is termed its nature, and one class or order of being is thus distinguished from another. Men by nature are the children of wrath, Eph. 2:3; whereas the Christian becomes morally partaker of the divine nature, 2 Peter 1:4; of which love is the characteristic: he is made partaker of God's holiness. Heb. 12:10. The work of God in the Christian which forms his nature thus finds its expression in him. The Creator can design and predicate the nature of a being before that being has an actual existence in fact; but we, as creatures, can discern the nature only from the existent being, and cannot therefore rightly speak of the nature save as characteristic of the being.

(엡02:3 전에는 우리도 다 그 가운데서 우리 육체의 욕심을 따라 지내며 육체와 마음의 원하는 것을 하여 다른 이들과 같이 본질상 진노의 자녀이었더니

(벧후01:4 이로써 그 보배롭고 지극히 큰 약속을 우리에게 주사 이 약속으로 말미암아 너희로 정욕을 인하여 세상에서 썩어질 것을 피하여 신의 성품에 참예하는 자가 되게 하려 하셨으니

(히12:10 저희는 잠시 자기의 뜻대로 우리를 징계하였거니와 오직 하나님은 우리의 유익을 위하여 그의 거룩하심에 참예케 하시느니라

Nature is also a term descriptive of the vast system of created things around us, to each part of which the Creator has given not only its existence, but its use, its order, its increase, its decay — often called 'the laws of nature' — the laws which govern each and which constitute its propriety. Thus nature teaches that a man should not have long hair, 1 Cor. 11:14; and a multitude of other things that are of God's order in creation.

(고전11:14 만일 남자가 긴 머리가 있으면 자기에게 욕되는 것을 본성이 너희에게 가르치지 아니하느냐

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary 


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