▶ 찬미 Hymns. 

These occur in this order: 'psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.' Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16. The word 'psalms' is the same as the Greek ψαλμοῖς; so the word 'hymns,' ὕμνοις; for 'spiritual songs' it is ᾳ.δαῖς πνευματικαῖς, spiritual odes or songs. There can be no doubt that the Psalms of David had been used by the devout of Israel as songs of praise, and some of these may have been used in the early church, such as Psalm 23, Psalm 103, etc., which in substance have found their way into nearly all modern hymnals.

(엡05:19 시와 찬미와 신령한 노래들로 서로 화답하며 너희의 마음으로 주께 노래하며 찬송하며

(골03:16 그리스도의 말씀이 너희 속에 풍성히 거하여 모든 지혜로 피차 가르치며 권면하고 시와 찬미와 신령한 노래를 부르며 마음에 감사함으로 하나님을 찬양하고

But the new dispensation required new songs of praise, and some may have been written that retained the name of psalms; others were called hymns, which apply to those compositions which are addressed to the Father or the Son, or directly to God. The word used for 'songs' is employed in Rev. 5:9 for the song of the redeemed; and in Rev. 14:3 for the new song; and in Rev. 15:3 for the song of Moses, the sentiments of which are often repeated in the Psalms: cf. also Ex. 15:1-19; Deut. 32:1-44.

(계05:9 새 노래를 노래하여 가로되 책을 가지시고 그 인봉을 떼기에 합당하시도다 일찍 죽임을 당하사 각 족속과 방언과 백성과 나라 가운데서 사람들을 피로 사서 하나님께 드리시고

(계14:3 저희가 보좌와 네 생물과 장로들 앞에서 새 노래를 부르니 땅에서 구속함을 얻은 십 사만 사천인 밖에는 능히 이 노래를 배울 자가 없더라

(계15:3 하나님의 종 모세의 노래, 어린 양의 노래를 불러 가로되 주 하나님 곧 전능하신 이시여 하시는 일이 크고 기이하시도다 만국의 왕이시여 주의 길이 의롭고 참되시도다

(신32:1-44. 모세의 노래 [노래의 서두 (1-6) 하나님의 은혜 (7-14) 이스라엘의 배신 (15-18) 하나님의 진노 (19-25) 하나님의 정의와 자비 (26-38) 보응하시고 치유하시는 하나님 (39-43)]

It will be noticed that the passages in Ephesians and Colossians do not refer to singing in the assembly, and the one in Colossians may be punctuated thus: "in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another, in psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." The Lord sang a hymn with His disciples at the last passover; and we may be sure that there was singing in the assemblies. The heathen Pliny bore testimony that the Christians sang 'odes to Christ as God.' Christ is twice represented as praising God, in the midst of His congregations, that is, in the assembly, and in the great congregation of Israel and those associated with them. Ps. 22:22, 25.  Among hymns generally it is easy to see that some are hymns of praise; others recount what God has done; others speak of what Christ has suffered; others refer to future blessing; and again others are really prayers.

(시022:22, 25. 22 내가 주의 이름을 형제에게 선포하고 회중에서 주를 찬송하리이다 25 대회 중에 나의 찬송은 주께로서 온 것이니 주를 경외하는 자 앞에서 나의 서원을 갚으리이다

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