▶ 갈 상자 Ark of Bulrushes. 

The little boat or cradle in which Moses was placed by his mother. It was made of bulrushes, or rather paper-reeds or papyrus which grew in the river Nile. It was daubed with slime and with pitch, that is, most probably first covered with wet earth or clay, and then with bitumen. Ex. 2:3, 5. Some of the heathen writers speak of the papyrus-woven craft of the Nile. God answered the faith of the parents, and Moses was drawn out of the water to be the saviour of His people.

(출02:03, 05. 3 더 숨길 수 없이 되매 그를 위하여 갈 상자를 가져다가 역청과 나무 진을 칠하고 아이를 거기 담아 하숫가 갈대 사이에 두고 5 바로의 딸이 목욕하러 하수로 내려오고 시녀들은 하숫가에 거닐 때에 그가 갈대 사이의 상자를 보고 시녀를 보내어 가져다가

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

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