▶ 아마사 Yarn, Linen. 

Mentioned in the A.V. only in 1 Kings 10:28 and 2 Chr. 1:16, as being brought out of Egypt; but as 'horses' are mentioned just before and just after, it is improbable that 'linen yarn' is intended. The Masoretic punctuation makes the above two passages different from any other occurrences. Many Jewish interpreters translate "a web," and the LXX, Vul., Syr., and Arab. versions treat it as a proper name. The passage as translated in the R.V. — similarly to what it had been previously translated by others — reads "And the horses which Solomon had were brought out of Egypt; and the king's merchants received them 'in droves,' each 'drove' at a price." This is no doubt the best translation. The Hebrew word is miqve, or miqveh.

(왕상10:28 솔로몬의 말들은 애굽에서 내어왔으니 왕의 상고들이 떼로 정가하여 산 것이며

(대하01:16, 솔로몬의 말들은 애굽에서 내어 왔으니 왕의 상고들이 떼로 정가하여 산 것이며

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