▶ 예정하다 Predestinate,

προορίζω. 'To mark out beforehand, predetermine.' In Rom. 8:29, 30, it forms a link in the chain that connects the foreknowledge of God in the past with the glory in the future. Election is God's choice of individuals; predestination is to a blessing, as in Eph. 1:5, 11, believers are predestinated to the adoption of sons, according to the purpose of God. Predestination does not, as insisted on by some, imply reprobation of some to wrath. God "will have [or desires] all men to be saved," 1 Tim. 2:4; but to ensure some being saved, He predestinated, called, justified, and glorified them in His sovereign purpose.

(롬08:29, 30 미리 아신 (엡01:5, 예정하사 11 예정을 입어 (딤전02:4 

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