▶ 그리심 산(Mount Gerizim)

1) 모세와 여호수아가 축복을 선포한 산 (신11:29, (신27:12, (수08:33
2) 사람들이 요담에게 그 일을 알리매 요담이 그리심 산 꼭대기로 가서 서서 그의 목소리를 높여 그들에게 외쳐 이르되 세겜 사람들아 내 말을 들으라 그리하여야 하나님이 너희의 말을 들으시리라 (삿09:7  


Gerizim, [Geriz'im] Mount. 

The mountain in Samaria on which the blessings on Israel were pronounced, in contrast to the curses given on mount Ebal. Deut. 11:29; Deut. 27:12; Joshua 8:33; Judges 9:7. History records that after the rebuilding of the temple in the time of Ezra a Samaritan temple was built on this mountain, where they had priests and sacrifices, which was the cause of great animosity between the Jews and the Samaritans. Though this temple was destroyed by Hyrcanus, the Samaritans clung to the mountain as the right place of worship, as the woman of Samaria said to the Lord. John 4:20. The Samaritans still eat the Passover lamb on the mountain. A church was also built there; but now there are only ruins. The mount is called Jebel et Tor, 32 12' N, 35 16' E.  Its highest point is 2,849 feet above the sea. (요04:

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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