2 Kings Chapter 15 Azariah King of Judah, Zechariah King of Israel, Shallum King of Israel, Menahem King of Israel, Pekahiah King of Israel, Jotham King of Judah

Chapter XV

The reign of Azariah, ver. 1 - 7. Of Zachariah, ver. 8 - 12. Of Shallum, ver. 13 - 15. Of Menahem, ver. 16 - 22. Of Pekahiah, ver. 23 - 26. Of Pekah, ver. 27 - 31. Of Jotham, ver. 32 - 38.

1 To reign - Solely and fully to exercise his regal power.
5 A leper - The cause whereof see 2Chron 26:16.
8 Six months - After the throne had been vacant several years, thro' the dissentions that were in the kingdom.
13 Full moon - That dominion seldom lasts long, which is founded in blood and falsehood.
30 Twentieth year - The meaning is, that he began his reign in the twentieth year after the beginning of Jotham's reign; or, which is the same thing, in the fourth year of Ahaz, son of Jotham.
33 To reign - Alone: for he had reigned before this, as his father's deputy.
35 Gate - Not of the temple, but of one of the courts of the temple, probably that which led to the king's palace.

John Wesley Explanatory Notes

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STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 테마별,
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