▶ 장 요약

  단11:1        바사와 헬라의 네 왕의 대한 예언
  단11:5        남북 왕국의 전쟁에 관한 예언
  단11:20        수리아 왕에 대한 예언
  단11:36        왕에 대한 예언

This chapter gives a more particular explanation of those events which were predicted in the eighth chapter. The prophet had foretold the partition of Alexander's kingdom into four parts. Two of these, in which were included Egypt and Syria, the one to the north, the other to the south, in respect of Judea, appear to take up the chief attention of the prophet, as his people were particularly concerned in their fate; these being the countries in which by far the greatest number of the Jews were, and still are, dispersed. Of these countries he treats (according to the views of the most enlightened expositors) down to the conquest of Macedon, A.M. 3836, B.C. 168, when he begins to speak of the Romans, 1-30; and then of the Church under that power, 31-35. This leads him to speak of Antichrist, who was to spring up in that quarter, 36-39; and of those powers which at the TIME of the end, or the latter days of the Roman monarchy, (as this term is generally understood,) were to push at it, and overthrow many countries, 40-43. By the king of the SOUTH, in the fortieth verse, the dominion of the Saracens, or Arabs, is supposed to be intended, which was an exceeding great plague to the Roman empire in the east, and also to several papistical countries, for the space of one hundred and fifty years, i.e. from A.D. 612, when Mohammed and his followers first began their depredations, to A.D. 762, when Bagdad was built, and made the capital of the caliphs of the house of Abbas, from which epoch the Saracens became a more settled people. By the king of the NORTH in the same verse the prophet is supposed by some to design that great scourge of eastern Christendom, the Ottoman or Othman empire, by which, after about a hundred and fifty years of almost uninterrupted hostilities, the Roman empire in the east was completely overturned, A.D. 1453. The chapter concludes with a prediction of the final overthrow of this northern power, and of the manner in which this great event shall be accomplished, 44,45. But it should be observed that, notwithstanding the very learned observations of Bishop Newton and others upon this chapter, their scheme of interpretation presents very great and insurmountable difficulties; among which the very lengthy detail of events in the Syrian and Egyptian histories, comprising a period of less than two hundred years, and the rather uncouth transition to the incomparably greater transactions in Antichristian times, and of much longer duration, which are passed over with unaccountable brevity, are not the least. On all these subjects, however, the reader must judge for himself. See the notes.

NIV (KJV) 다니엘 11장 본문 (클릭)

1. 한 능력있는 왕의 때에 그 나라가 어떻게 될 것이라고 했나요?
2. 공주의 친정쪽 친척은 북방 왕 군대를 쳐서 무엇을 빼았아 갈 것이라고 했나요?
3. 북방 왕은 무엇을 쌓고 튼튼한 성읍을 차지할 것이라고 했나요?

4. 친한 사람은 조건을 세워 약속한 후 무엇을 행한다고 했나요?
5. 북방 왕의 군대는 제사를 폐지하는 대신 무엇을 세운다고 했나요?
6. 북방 왕은 자신을 무엇보다 더 높일 것이라고 했나요?

7. 북방왕의 손에서 벗어나는 세 자손들은 누구인가요?
8. 마지막 때 리비아 사람들은 어떻게 된다고 했는가?

개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 테마별, 읽기(Wayne), 소요리, 대요리 문답, 신앙고백WCF
Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약,

성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교