365 Negative Commandments (089-229)

001-045 The Worship of False Gods and Related Practices
046-059 Prohibitions Against Making Allies With Nations Who Worship False Gods
060-066 Blasphemy
067-088 The Sanctuary of Yahweh

089-157 Sacrifices and Holy Tithes and Offerings
158-171 The Priests
172-201 Dietary Laws
202-209 Nazirites
210-229 Agriculture

230-269 Loans, Business, and the Treatment of Slaves
270-329 Judgment and Conduct of Judges
330-361 Sinful Relationships
362-365 Our King


Sacrifices and Holy Tithes and Offerings

N089. Do not offer sacrifices or Tithes and Offerings except to the sanctuary of Yahweh. (Deuteronomy 12:13-14)

N090. Do not offer consecrated animals except to the sanctuary of Yahweh. (Leviticus 17:3-7)

N091. Do not sanctify a blemished animal as an Offering to Yahweh. (Leviticus 22:20, 22, 24)

N092. Do not slaughter a blemished animal as an Offering to Yahweh. (Leviticus 22:22)

N093. Do not sprinkle the blood of a blemished animal on the altar of Yahweh. (Leviticus 22:19-24)

N094. Do not burn the sacrificial portions of a blemished animal. (Leviticus 22:22)

N095. Do not offer an animal with even a temporary blemish. (Deuteronomy 17:1)

N096. Do not accept a blemished offering from a Gentile. (Leviticus 22:25)

N097. Do not inflict a blemish on an animal consecrated as an offering. (Leviticus 22:21)

N098. Do not offer any leaven or honey on the altar. (Leviticus 2:11)

N099. Do not offer a sacrifice without salt. (Leviticus 2:13)

N100. Do not bring the financial gain from godworship (the worship of false gods) into the sanctuary of Yahweh. (Deuteronomy 23:18)

N101. Do not kill an animal and its young on the same day. Leviticus 22:28)

N102. Do not use olive oil in the Sin Offering of the poor man. (Leviticus 5:11)

N103. Do not use frankincense in the Sin Offering of the poor man. (Leviticus 5:11)

N104. Do not use olive oil in the grain Offering of jealousy. (Numbers 5:15)

N105. Do not use frankincense in the grain Offering of jealousy. (Numbers 5:15)

N106. Do not make substitutes for any vowed Offerings. (Leviticus 27:10)

N107. Do not dedicate the firstborn of an animal since it already belongs to Yahweh and must be given to the priests. (Leviticus 27:26)

N108. Do not redeem the firstborn of clean animals, since they belong to Yahweh and must be given to the priests. (Numbers 18:17-18)

N109. Do not redeem the Tithes; they belong to Yahweh and must be given to the priests. (Leviticus 27:32-33)

N110. Do not sell dedicated property, it belongs to Yahweh and must be given to the priests. (Leviticus 27:21, 28)

N111. Do not redeem dedicated property after the specified time; it belongs to Yahweh and must be given to the priests. (Leviticus 27:28)

N112. Do not sever the head of a bird offered as a Sin Offering. (Leviticus 5:7-8)

N113. Do not work with a dedicated animal. (Deuteronomy 15:19)

N114. Do not shear a dedicated animal. (Deuteronomy 15:19)

N115. Do not offer the Passover Lamb with leaven. (Exodus 34:25)

N116. Do not allow the sacrificial fat of the Passover Lamb to remain overnight. (Exodus 23:18)

N117. Do not allow the meat of the Passover Lamb to remain overnight. (Exodus 12:10)

N118. Do not leave any part of the additional Offering overnight. (Deuteronomy 16:4)

N119. Do not allow any part of the second Passover Lamb to remain overnight. (Numbers 9:12)

N120. Do not leave any part of the thanksgiving Offering until morning. (Leviticus 22:29-30)

N121. Do not break any bones of the Passover Lamb. (Exodus 12:46)

N122. Do not break any bones of the second Passover Lamb. (Numbers 9:12)

N123. Do not remove the Passover Lamb from the sanctuary where it is eaten. (Exodus 12:46)

N124. Do not bake the remainder of the grain Offering with leaven. (Leviticus 6:17)

N125. Do not eat the Passover Lamb raw or boiled. (Exodus 12:9)

N126. Do not allow the stranger or hired servant to eat of the Passover Lamb. (Exodus 12:45)

N127. Do not allow any uncircumcised person to eat of the Passover Lamb. (Exodus 12:48)

N128. Do not allow one that has fallen away (become a stranger) to eat of the Passover Lamb. (Exodus 12:43)

N129. Do not eat of the Holy Offerings while ritually unclean. (Leviticus 22:2-6)

N130. Do not eat any food which becomes ritually unclean. (Leviticus 7:19)

N131. Do not eat of the sacrifices which remain after the third day, they must be burned. (Leviticus 19:6-8)

N132. Sacrifices remaining past the third day will not be accepted by Yahweh. (Leviticus 7:16-18)

N133. No one outside of the priest's family may eat of the Most Holy Offerings. (Leviticus 22:10-11)

N134. No stranger or hired worker may eat of the Holy Offerings. (Leviticus 22:10)

N135. No uncircumcised person may eat of the Holy Offerings. (Leviticus 22:10)

N136. The priests must not eat of the Holy Offerings while ritually unclean. (Leviticus 22:2-9)

N137. The daughter of a priest who is married to a non-priest must not eat of Holy Offerings. (Leviticus 22:12-13)

N138. Do not eat the grain Offering which the priest himself offers. (Leviticus 6:20-23)

N139. Do not eat of the sin Offering whose blood is sprinkled on the inner altar. (Leviticus 6:30)

N140. Do not eat any abominable thing, whether unclean meat or blemished Offerings. (Deuteronomy 14:3)

N141. Do not eat the second tithe of grain except at Yahweh's Feast at the sanctuary of Yahweh. (Deuteronomy 12:17-8)

N142. Do not drink the second tithe of wine except at Yahweh's Feast at the sanctuary of Yahweh. (Deuteronomy 12:17-18)

N143. Do not eat the second tithe of oil except at Yahweh's Feast at the sanctuary of Yahweh. (Deuteronomy 12:17-18)

N144. Do not eat the feast sacrifices except at Yahweh's Feast at the sanctuary of Yahweh. (Deuteronomy 12:17-18)

N145. The priests may not eat the Second Tithes except at Yahweh's Feast at the sanctuary of Yahweh. (Deuteronomy 12:17-18)

N146. The priests must not eat the meat of the burnt Offering at all. (Leviticus 1:9)

N147. The meat from any of the sacrifices must not be eaten before the blood has been sprinkled on the altar. (Deuteronomy 12:17)

N148. The priests must not eat of the Holy Offerings except at a Holy Place (the sanctuary of Yahweh). (Leviticus 10:13-14)

N149. Do not allow a stranger to eat of the Most Holy Offering. (Exodus 29:33)

N150. Do not eat of the second tithe while at home in a state of ritual impurity (not during the Feast). (Deuteronomy 26:14)

N151. Do not eat of the second tithe in honor of the dead. (Deuteronomy 26:14)

N152. Do not eat of the second tithe in honor of any false god. (Deuteronomy 26:14)

N153. Do not allow any unauthorized person to eat of the Holy Offerings. (Leviticus 22:14-16)

N154. Do not delay to pay Tithes and Offerings to Yahweh at the sanctuary of Yahweh. (Exodus 22:29)

N155. Do not delay to pay vows to Yahweh at the sanctuary of Yahweh. (Deuteronomy 23:21)

N156. Do not appear before Yahweh at His Feasts at the sanctuary of Yahweh empty-handed (without an Offering). (Deuteronomy 16:16-17)

N157. Do not break vows and oaths to Yahweh. (Numbers 30:2) 


The Priests

N158. A priest must not marry a woman who is a harlot (zonah). (Leviticus 21:6-8)

N159. A priest must not marry a woman who refuses to repent of godworship (chalalah-a woman who worships false gods). (Leviticus 21:7)

N160. A priest must not marry a woman divorced from her lawful husband. (Leviticus 21:7)

N161. The High Priest must not marry a widow. (Leviticus 21:14)

N162. The High Priest must not marry a woman defiled by harlotry or godworship (the worship of false gods). (Leviticus 21:14)

N163. Priests must not allow their hair to grow long. (Leviticus 10:6)

N164. Priests must not tear, or serve with torn Holy Garments. (Leviticus 10:6)

N165. Priests must not forsake their appointed office. (Leviticus 10:7)

N166. Priests must not become ritually unclean except for their nearest relatives. (Leviticus 21:1-4)

N167. The High Priest must not go near any dead body. (Leviticus 21:11)

N168. The High Priest must not become ritually impure for any dead body. (Leviticus 21:11)

N169. The tribe of Levi shall have no part in the division of the land of Israel. (Deuteronomy 18:1)

N170. The tribe of Levi shall have no inheritance other than Yahweh's Portion. (Numbers 18:20)

N171. Do not shave your head in honor of the dead. (Deuteronomy 14:1; Leviticus 21:5)


Dietary Laws

N172. Do not eat any unclean animal. (Deuteronomy 14:7-8)

N173. Do not eat any unclean fish or seafood. (Leviticus 11:10-12)

N174. Do not eat any unclean fowl. (Leviticus 11:13)

N175. Do not eat any unclean flying insect. (Leviticus 11:20-23)

N176. Do not eat any insects that creep on the ground. (Leviticus 11:41)

N177. Do not eat any reptiles. (Leviticus 11:44)

N178. Do not eat worms found in fruit or produce. (Leviticus 11 :42)

N179. Do not eat any swarming insects. (Leviticus 11:43; Deuteronomy 14:19)

N180. Do not eat any animal found already dead. (Deuteronomy 14:21)

N181. Do not eat a torn or mauled animal. (Exodus 22:31)

N182. Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it; neither eat any meat not fully cooked. Only when meat is cooked until it is white inside with no tinge of red or pink whatsoever insures that all blood had been removed. (Deuteronomy 12:23)

N183. Do not touch the carcass of an unclean animal. (Leviticus 11:8)

N184. Do not eat blood. (Leviticus 7:26-27)

N185. Do not eat the fat of sacrificed animals. (Leviticus 7:23, 25)

N186. Do not boil a young goat in its mother's milk, since it is a ritual of godworshipers (those who worship false gods). (Exodus 23:19)

N187. Do not eat of or offer any sacrifices to the gods (false gods). (Leviticus 17:7)

N188. Do not eat the meat of a bull that has been stoned to death for goring someone. (Exodus 21:28)

N189. Do not eat any bread in celebration of the Feast until the Omer Offering has been presented to the priests on the fifteenth of Abib. (Leviticus 23:14, 10)

N190. Do not eat any parched grain in celebration of the Feast until the Omer Offering has been presented to the priests on the fifteenth of Abib. (Leviticus 23:14)

N191. Do not eat of the fresh green ears in celebration of the Feast until the Omer Offering has been presented to the priests on the fifteenth of Abib. (Leviticus 23:14)

N192. Do not eat the fruit of young fruit trees for the first three years of growth. (Leviticus 19:23)

N193. Do not eat the produce from the planting of mixed seed. (Deuteronomy 22:9)

N194. Do not partake of drink offerings to the gods (false gods). (Deuteronomy 32:38)

N195. Drunkenness of any sort is prohibited. (Deuteronomy 21:20)

N196. Do not eat or drink anything on the Day of Atonement. (Leviticus 23:29, 32)

N197. Do not eat leavened bread during The Feast of Unleavened Bread. (Exodus 13:3)

N198. Do not eat any leavened product during The Feast of Unleavened Bread. (Exodus 12:20)

N199. Do not eat leavened bread with the Passover Lamb. (Deuteronomy 16:3)

N200. No leavened bread is to be found in any of our possessions during The Feast of Unleavened Bread. (Exodus 13:7)

N201. No leavening is to be found in any of our possessions during The Feast of Unleavened Bread. (Exodus 12:19)



N202. A Nazirite must not drink wine or any beverage made from grapes. (Numbers 6:3)

N203. A Nazirite must not eat fresh grapes. (Numbers 6:3)

N204. A Nazirite must not eat raisins. (Numbers 6:3)

N205. A Nazirite must not eat grape seeds. (Numbers 6:4)

N206. A Nazirite may not eat the skins of grapes. (Numbers 6:4)
N207. A Nazirite must not become ritually impure for the dead. (Numbers 6:7)

N208. A Nazirite must not go near a dead body. (Numbers 6:6)

N209. A Nazirite must not shave his hair during the time of his separation. (Numbers 6:5)



N210. Do not harvest the corners of a field; they are for the poor. (Leviticus 23:22)

N211. Do not gather the gleanings of a field; they are for the poor. (Leviticus 23:22)

N212. Do not gather all the olives from the trees, the remaining are for the poor. (Deuteronomy 24:20)

N213. Do not gather all the grapes from the vineyard; the remaining are for the poor. (Leviticus 19:10)

N214. Do not return to pick up a forgotten sheaf from a field; it is for the poor. (Deuteronomy 24:19)

N215. Do not plant a field with two kinds of seed. (Leviticus 19:19)

N216. Do not plant a vineyard with two kinds of seed. (Deuteronomy 22:9)

N217. Do not crossbreed different species of animals. (Leviticus 19:19)

N218. Do not work with two different species of animals yoked together. (Deuteronomy 22:10)

N219. Do not muzzle the ox that treads out the grain. (Deuteronomy 25:4)

N220. Do not till the earth or sow the fields in the seventh year. (Leviticus 25:4)

N221. Do not prune your vineyard or trees in the seventh year. (Leviticus 25:4)

N222. Do not reap your harvest in the seventh year. (Leviticus 25:5)

N223. Do not gather the grapes of the untended vine in the seventh year. (Leviticus 25:5)

N224. Do not till the earth or sow the fields in the Jubilee year. (Leviticus 25:11)

N225. Do not reap the harvest in the Jubilee year. (Leviticus 25:11)

N226. Do not gather the grapes of the untended vines in the Jubilee year. (Leviticus 25:11)

N227. The land must not be sold permanently. (Leviticus 25:23)

N228. Do not sell the land belonging to the priests and Levites. (Leviticus 25:34)

N229. Do not neglect the priests and Levites. (Deuteronomy 12:19)

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