
▶ 밀로(Millo)


[1] 예루살렘 경내로 보나 정확한 위치는 확인되지 않았다.
(1) 원래 예루살렘 동쪽 언덕에 있는 시온의 여부스인의 성터의 일부였다고 추측(삼하05:9, (대상11:8).
(2) 솔로몬과 히스기야가 이 성을 수축하였다(왕상09:15, (왕상11:27, (대하32:5).

[2] 세겜 근처, 그리심산 동쪽 기슭
밀로의 집이라 한 것은 세겜에 있는 보루였었다(삿09:6, 20, 47).



1.  'House of Millo,' in connection with Shechem, apparently a family or clan. Judges 9:6, 20. (삿09: 

2.  A part of ancient Jerusalem, though afterwards said to be 'built' by Solomon; it was repaired by Hezekiah. The name always has the article, 'the Millo.' Various sites have been suggested for it, but its locality and its form are unknown. 2 Sam. 5:9; 1 Kings 9:15, 24; 1 Kings 11:27; 1 Chr. 11:8; 2 Chr. 32:5. In 2 Kings 12:20 Joash was slain in the 'house of Millo, which goeth down to Silla:' this may be another place, though apparently it was in Jerusalem.

(삼하05:9; (왕상09:15, 24; (왕상11:27; (대상11:8; (대하32:5. (왕하12:20 

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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