
▶ 니느웨(Nineveh)

뜻:여신을 의미한다

앗수르 제국의 최후의 동방 수도로 티그리스 강에서 동쪽으로 0.8km 떨어진곳.

(1) 함의 손자 니므롯이 세운 성(창10:10).
(2) 인구 60만의 대 도시(욘03:3, (욘04:11).
(3) 40일 후면 죄악으로 인하여 멸망 당할 것을 요나가 외치니 통회 자복하고구원을 얻음(욘 3:4-10).

(4) 히스기야 왕 때에 앗수르왕 상헤립이 예루살렘을 공격하다가 하룻 밤에 군사 십팔만오천명을 잃고 돌아가 니스록 신묘에 경배하다가 피살됨 (왕하19:35-37).

(5) 그후 미디안인이 쳐서 취하였고 주전606년에 바벨론에게 멸망을 당하여 황무지가 되니 나훔과 스바냐가 일찌기 예언한 바와 같다(나03:7), (습02:13).

(6) 예수님은 심판할 때에 니느웨인이 일어나 이 세대인을 정죄한 다고 하셨다(마12:41).

니느웨는 티그리스강 상류, 현재의 바그다드로부터 북으로 약 40km 떨어진 모슬 대안에 있다. 모슬은 티그리스강의 서안에 있는데 니느웨의 유적은 동안에 있다.

니느웨의 주위는 장방형의 성벽으로 둘러싸여 있으며 그 길이는 10km 가 넘는다. 내부에는 크고 작은 2개의 구릉이 있다. 니느웨는 거대한 성읍으로 그 주위를 도는데만도 3일이 걸린다고 기록되어 있다(욘 3:3).  

(창10:11, (왕하19:36, (사37:37, (욘01:2, (욘03:2, (욘04:11, (나01:1, (나02:8, (나03:7, (습02:13, (마12:41, (눅11:30

▶ 니느웨 Nineveh. [Nin'eveh]

The capital of the ancient kingdom of Assyria. It was founded very early by Nimrod. Gen. 10:11, 12; cf. Micah 5:6. It was doubtless comparatively small at first, but nothing is related of its progress until Jonah was sent, about 1,300 years after its founding, to threaten its destruction. It was then an exceeding great city (lit. 'a great city unto God') of three days' journey, probably signifying, its circumference. A three days 'journey' is estimated by Niebuhr to be about ninety English miles. This area would include gardens, pastures (which the 'much cattle' would necessitate), and pleasure grounds. The population was large, but not densely located together as in modern cities. There were 120,000 that could not discern their right hand from their left, probably children, which would give a population of about 600,000.

(창10:11-12 11 그가 그 땅에서 앗수르로 나아가 니느웨와 르호보딜과 갈라와 12 및 니느웨와 갈라 사이의 레센(이는 큰 성이라)을 건축하였으며

(미05:6 그들이 칼로 앗수르 땅을 황무케 하며 니므롯 땅의 어귀를 황무케 하리라 앗수르 사람이 우리 땅에 들어와서 우리 지경을 밟을 때에는 그가 우리를 그에게서 건져 내리라

Jonah took a day's journey in the city, delivering his message as he proceeded. The people believed God, and, led by the king, humbled themselves, fasted, and ceased from their evil deeds. Jonah 3, Jonah 4. God saw their works and turned from the evil that He had threatened. This king was perhaps Shalmaneser 2, whose reign has been dated at B.C. 858-823.

(욘03: 니느웨 멸망을 선포하는 요나와 니느웨 백성의 회개

(욘04: 하나님의 자비 박넝쿨에 대한 교훈

Nineveh is next mentioned in 2 Kings 19:36; Isa. 37:37, when Sennacherib, after the destruction of his army by God, retired to Nineveh, where he was slain by two of his sons.

(왕하19:36 앗수르 왕 산헤립이 떠나 돌아가서 니느웨에 거하더니

(사37:37 이에 앗수르 왕 산헤립이 떠나 돌아가서 니느웨에 거하더니

The other references to Nineveh in scripture are occupied with its judgement and foretelling its destruction. The prophecy of Nahum is especially devoted to this. Diodorus asserts that there was an ancient prophecy that Nineveh should not fall till the river became an enemy to the city; which happened in the third year of the siege, when the river partially overflowed the city. In the prophecy of Nahum it is said, "with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the place"; "the gates of the rivers shall be opened, and the palace shall be dissolved." Nahum 1:8; Nahum 2:6. It was to be totally destroyed and not rise again. "a desolation, and dry like a wilderness." Nineveh had been very proud, and had said in its heart, "I am, and there is none beside me"; it should be a place for wild beasts. Zeph. 2:13-15: cf. Isa. 10:5-19. It had been 'a city of blood,' and full of lies and robbery; it should be made vile; its destruction should be final: there would be no healing of its bruise. Nahum 3:1, 19. In Ezek. 31:3-17 Assyria is compared to a cedar of high stature, which had been brought to utter ruin.

(나01:8 그가 범람한 물로 그곳을 진멸하시고 자기 대적들을 흑암으로 쫓아내시리라

(나02:6 강들의 수문이 열리고 왕궁이 소멸되며

(습02:13-15 13 여호와가 북방을 향하여 손을 펴서 앗수르를 멸하며 니느웨로 황무케 하여 사막 같이 메마르게 하리니 14 각양 짐승이 그 가운데 떼로 누울 것이며 당아와 고슴도치가 그 기둥 꼭대기에 깃들일 것이며 창에서 울 것이며 문턱이 적막하리니 백향목으로 지은 것이 벗겨졌음이라 15 이는 기쁜 성이라 염려 없이 거하며 심중에 이르기를 오직 나만 있고 나 외에는 다른 이가 없다 하더니 어찌 이같이 황무하여 들짐승의 엎드릴 곳이 되었는고 지나가는 자마다 치소하여 손을 흔들리로다

(사10:05-19 앗수르 왕의 교만 

(나03:01,19 1 화 있을진저 피 성이여 그 속에서는 궤휼과 강포가 가득하며 늑탈이 떠나지 아니하는도다 19 너의 다친 것은 고칠 수 없고 네 상처는 중하도다 네 소식을 듣는 자가 다 너를 인하여 손뼉을 치나니 이는 네 악행을 늘 받지 않은 자가 없음이 아니냐

(겔31:3-17 앗수르 왕의 몰락 (비유)

Nineveh may be regarded as typical of the world in its haughty pride, glorying in its prowess. It was the power used by God to carry out His indignation against Israel: it is thus called "the rod of mine anger," and the indignation of Jehovah against His land and people ceases in the destruction of the Assyrian — a reference to some power in the last days which will morally succeed to the character of the Assyrian, and be destroyed subsequent to Babylon. Isa. 14:24, 25. Historically Assyria fell before Babylon.

(사14:24-25 24 만군의 여호와께서 맹세하여 가라사대 나의 생각한 것이 반드시 되며 나의 경영한 것이 반드시 이루리라 25 내가 앗수르 사람을 나의 땅에서 파하며 나의 산에서 발아래 밟으리니 그 때에 그의 멍에가 이스라엘에게서 떠나고 그의 짐이 그들의 어깨에서 벗어질 것이라

The account of the taking of Nineveh is thus given by Ctesias, preserved in Diodorus Siculus, ii. 27, 28. Cyaxares, the Median monarch, aided by the Babylonians under Nabopolassar, laid siege to the city. His efforts were in vain; he was repulsed again and again; but receiving reinforcements he overcame the Assyrian army and they were shut up in the city. He then attempted to reduce the city by blockade, but was unsuccessful for two years, till his efforts were unexpectedly assisted by an extraordinary rise of the Tigris, which swept away a part of the walls and allowed the Medes to enter. The Assyrian king Saracus, in despair, burnt himself in his palace. The conquerors gave up the whole to the flames, and it was razed to the ground.

Rawlinson and others do not credit this account, they consider it undeserving a place in history. Some such destruction would, however, agree with scripture, which, as quoted above, speaks of the water, it also refers to the place being pillaged of its gold and silver, "for there is none end of the store and glory out of all the pleasant furniture." Nahum 2:9. Those who of late years have examined the mounds testify to its destruction by fire. Calcined sculptured alabaster statues split by heat, charcoal, and charred wood have been found buried in bricks and earth. For years search has been made among its ruins, and there is yet much to be examined. The principal museums of Europe are stored with the relics, and many tablets have been discovered, one of which gives a remarkable account of the deluge. It may indeed be said that the library of Nineveh has been opened in modern times, and the details of the records made thousands of years ago can now be read.

(나02:9 은을 노략하라 금을 늑탈하라 그 저축한 것이 무한하고 아름다운 기구가 풍부함이니라

The principal ruins are found at:

1.  Kouyunjik (or Nineveh proper), opposite Mosul, which is situate 36 22' S, 43 E.

2.  Some eighteen miles south-east, lies Nimroud.

3.  About twelve miles nearly northward are ruins at Karamles.

4.  About twelve miles north-west lies Khorsabad.

These four places may be taken as the corners of the ancient city. They form a trapezoid of about sixty miles in circumference. The walls of the ancient city may have extended further, except where bounded by the river Tigris. The excavations reveal extensive buildings with the entrances adorned with winged bulls and other sculptures. In some places the marks of the chariot wheels can be traced on the limestone pavements.

It was destroyed about B.C. 606, by the Medes and Babylonians, and the fall of this city was the end of the kingdom of Assyria.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary



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