
▶ 브누엘(Penuel)

뜻:하나님의 얼굴

얍복강 상류 숙곳 동쪽

(1) 얍복과 숙곳 사이에 있어 군사상 중요한 지점으로 나룻터 이므로 수비하는 망대가 있다.
기드온이 미디안과 싸우러 갈 때에 이 성 사람에게 떡을 구하였다가 거절을 당하고 이기고 돌아 올 때에 그 망대를 헐고 그 성 사람들을 죽였다(삿08:4, 8, 9, 17).

(2) 여로보암은 견고한 요새를 삼았다(왕상12:25. 부느엘).

 (3) 참고 -> 브니엘 Peniel (창32:31 


Penuel. [Penu'el]

The place where the mysterious man wrestled with Jacob. Jacob gave it this name, signifying 'face of God,' because, as he said, he had seen God face to face, and his life was preserved. Five hundred years later the place is mentioned, the men of which would not give supplies to Gideon. On his return he broke down the tower and slew the men of the city. Jeroboam rebuilt it. It was situated between Succoth and the Jabbok, but its site cannot now be identified. Gen. 32:31; Judges 8:8-17; 1 Kings 12:25. It is called PENIEL in Gen. 32:30.


--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 읽기(Wayne),
Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약, 테마별,