▶ 임마누엘(Immanuel)

뜻:하나님이 우리와 같이 계신다

이사야가 수리아 에브라임 연합군에 놀란 아하스에게 임마누엘이 나실 것을 예언.

하나님이 그 백성과 같이 계실 것을 선언했으나 아하스는 믿지 않았다 (사07:1-25).

그리고 그 아들 이름은 임마누엘이라고 붙였다(사07:14 (사08: (사09:8).

(왕하15:30; (왕하16:9.

이사야의 말을 인용하여 예수를 임마누엘의 실현이라고 신약은 증거했다 (마01:23).



▶ 임마누엘 Immanuel, [Imman'uel] Emmanuel. [Emman'uel] 

Names of the Messiah prophetically announced, meaning "God with us." The introduction of this name is remarkable. Ahaz king of Judah, being attacked by Rezin king of Syria, and Pekah king of Israel — and there being also a disposition to form a confederacy to set up the son of Tabeal, and so reject the son of David, which Ahaz was — Isaiah was sent to tell him to be quiet and fear not. Jehovah then told Ahaz to ask for a sign, either in the deep or in the height above; but Ahaz refused to ask; therefore the Lord gave him this sign, "Behold, the virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good." Isa. 7:14, 15.

(사07:14-15. 14 그러므로 주께서 친히 징조로 너희에게 주실 것이라 보라 처녀가 잉태하여 아들을 낳을 것이요 그 이름을 임마누엘이라 하리라 15 그가 악을 버리며 선을 택할 줄 알 때에 미쳐 뻐터와 꿀을 먹을 것이라

It has been asked, How could this be a sign to Ahaz, seeing that this event did not take place till centuries after? The prophetic announcement of the birth of such a child was the present evidence to faith that whatever combinations men might make, the remnant could count on God: see Isa. 8:9, 10, where they say, "God is with us." It should be noticed that there are two prophetic children: the one (Shear-jashub) figurative of the remnant, and Immanuel; so the prophecy continues, "For before the child shall know to refuse the evil, and choose the good, the land whose two kings thou fearest shall be forsaken" (as Isa. 7:16 should be translated). In Isa. 7:3 of this chapter Isaiah had been told, when he went to meet Ahaz, to take his symbolical child Shear-jashub ('the remnant shall return') with him. And doubtless Isa. 7:16 refers to Shearjashub; and before this child could have grown to maturity, Pekah had been killed by Hoshea, and Damascus had been taken and Rezin slain by the king of Assyria. 2 Kings 15:30; 2 Kings 16:9.

(사08:9-10 9 너희 민족들아 훤화하라 필경 패망하리라 너희 먼 나라 백성들아 들을지니라 너희 허리를 동이라 필경 패망하리라 너희 허리에 띠를 띠라 필경 패망하리라 10 너희는 함께 도모하라 필경 이루지 못하리라 말을 내어라 시행되지 못하리라 이는 하나님이 우리와 함께 하심이니라

(사07:16 대저 이 아이가 악을 버리며 선을 택할 줄 알기 전에 너의 미워하는 두 왕의 땅이 폐한바 되리라

(사07:3 때에 여호와께서 이사야에게 이르시되 너와 네 아들 스알야숩은 윗못 수도 끝 세탁자의 밭 큰 길에 나가서 아하스를 만나

(왕하15:30 웃시야의 아들 요담 이십년에 엘라의 아들 호세아가 반역하여 르말랴의 아들 베가를 쳐서 죽이고 대신하여 왕이 되니라

(왕하16:9 앗수르 왕이 그 청을 듣고 곧 올라와서 다메섹을 쳐서 취하여 그 백성을 사로잡아 길로 옮기고 또 르신을 죽였더라 

It may seem strange that there should be no break between Isa. 7:15 and Isa. 7:16, as the one verse refers to Immanuel, and the other to Shearjashub; but such abrupt transitions are not unusual in prophetic scriptures. When the Lord was in the temple, and speaking of His Father's house, He was asked for a sign, He said, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up," referring to His body. And in the prophecies the future is often closely associated with what related to passing events. In Isa. 8:8 it is foretold that the wing of the king of Assyria should fill the breadth of the land — the land of Immanuel — which took place soon after, yet this is a type of the Assyrian's attacks in the last days.

(사07:15 그가 악을 버리며 선을 택할 줄 알 때에 미쳐 뻐터와 꿀을 먹을 것이라

(사07:16 대저 이 아이가 악을 버리며 선을 택할 줄 알기 전에 너의 미워하는 두 왕의 땅이 폐한바 되리라

(사08:8 흘러 유다에 들어와서 창일하고 목에까지 미치리라 임마누엘이여 그의 펴는 날개가 네 땅에 편만하리라 하셨느니라

In the N.T. we get the fulfilment of the above prophecy: Mary the virgin conceived and brought forth her Son. His name was Jesus, and also Emmanuel, 'God with us,' showing that He was God, and became man. Matt. 1:23.

(마01:23 보라 처녀가 잉태하여 아들을 낳을 것이요 그 이름은 임마누엘이라 하리라 하셨으니 이를 번역 한즉 하나님이 우리와 함께 계시다 함이라

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