▶ 아기스(Achish)

블레셋 지경에 있는 가드 왕으로 다윗이 사울을 피하여 다닐 때 두번 그에게 가서 보호를 받았다

(삼상21:10, (삼상27:2), (왕상02:39).


Achish. [A'chish]

1.  The Philistine king of Gath with whom David twice took shelter from Saul. The first time the servants of Achish reminded him that of David it had been said that he had slain his ten thousands. When David heard this he was afraid and feigned himself mad, and Achish sent him away. 1 Sam. 21:10-15. Psalm 34 was composed on this occasion, as we learn from its heading, in which Achish is called Abimelech. This has given occasion for critics to doubt its authenticity. But 'Abimelech' was used as a title rather than a proper name of the kings of the Philistines, as Pharaoh was of the kings of Egypt. The second occasion was when David's heart failed him, and he said, "I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul." Achish dealt well with David, gave him Ziklag to dwell in, and would have had him go to war with him against Israel, saying, "I will make thee keeper of my head for ever" 1 Sam. 27; 1 Sam. 28:2. The lords of the Philistines however objected, and Achish begged David to return. See DAVID.

2.  Another king of Gath, to whom the servants of Shimei fled, which led to Shimei's death. 1 Kings 2:39, 40.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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