▶ 길르앗 사람 Gileadites [Gil'eadites]

Not used strictly for the descendants of one man. Num. 26:29 refers to the descendants of Manasseh (No. 1, above) and Judges 11:1, 40; Judges 12:7 to No. 2. We also read of Jair a Gileadite, Judges 10:3; and Barzillai, 2 Sam. 17:27; 2 Sam. 19:31; 1 Kings 2:7; Ezra 2:61; Neh. 7:63. The Ephraimites accused the Gileadites and Jephthah with being fugitives from them, but they were severely punished for their arrogance. Judges 12:4-6. Pekah when he revolted against Pekahiah slew fifty men of the Gileadites. 2 Kings 15:25.

(민26:29 길르앗 종족 (삿11:1, 40 길르앗 사람 (삿12:7 (삿10:3 (삼하17:27 (삼하19:31 (왕상02:7; (스02:61; (느07:63 (삿12:4-6 (왕하15:25

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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