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Chapter 054-04 새장가 드는 유비






73 The Dowager Marchioness 태부인 was terribly taken aback and upset so that, when Sun Quan 손권 arrived, he found his mother beating her breast and weeping bitterly.

74 "What has disturbed you, Mother?" asked he.

75 "What you have just done," said she. "You have treated me as a nonentity. When my elder sister lay dying, what did she tell you?"

76 Sun Quan began to be frightened, but he said boldly, "Please speak out plainly, Mother. What is this great sorrow?"

77 "When a son is grown, he takes a wife; and when a girl is old enough, she goes to her husband. And that is right and proper. But I am the mother, and you ought to have told me that your sister was to become the wife of Liu Bei. Why did you keep me in the dark? It was my place to promise her in marriage."

78 "Whence comes this story?" said the Marquis, really much frightened.

79 "Do you pretend ignorance? There is not a soul in the city who does not know! But you have succeeded in keeping me in the dark."

80 "I heard it several days ago," said the State Patriarch Qiao 교국로. "And I came just now to offer my felicitations."

81 "There is no such thing," said Sun Quan. "It is just one of the ruses of Zhou Yu to get hold of Jingzhou. He has used this means to inveigle Liu Bei here and hold him captive till Jingzhou is restored to us. And if they will not give it back, then Liu Bei will be put to death. That is the plot. There is no real marriage."

82 But the Dowager 태부인 was in a rage and vented her wrath in abusing Zhou Yu.

83 She said, "Zhou Yu is a pretty sort of governor over the six territories and eighty-one counties, if he cannot find any means of recovering one region except making use of my child as a decoy. Truly this is a fine deed, to spoil the whole of my child's life and condemn her to perpetual widowhood, because he wants to use the fair damsel ruse to slay a man! Who will ever come to talk of marriage with her after this?"

84 Said the State Patriarch Qiao, "By this means you may indeed recover Jingzhou, but you will be a shameful laughing stock to all the world. What can be done?"

85 Sun Quan had nothing to say. He could only hang his head, while the Dowager abused his general.

86 The State Patriarch Qiao tried to soothe her, saying, "After all Liu Bei, the Imperial Uncle, is a scion of the reigning family. You can do nothing better now than to welcome him as a son-in-law and not let this ugly story get abroad."

87 "I am afraid their ages do not match," interposed Sun Quan.

88 "Liu Bei is a very famous man," said the State Patriarch Qiao. "There can be no shame in having such a son-in-law."

89 "I have never seen him," said the Dowager. "Arrange that I may get a look at him tomorrow at the Sweet Dew Temple 감로사. If he displeases me, you may work your will on him. But if I am satisfied with him, then I shall simply let the girl marry him."

90 Now Sun Quan was above all things filial and at once agreed to what his mother said. He went out, called in Lu Fan, and told him to arrange a banquet for the morrow at the temple so that the Dowager Marchioness might see the bridegroom.

91 "Why not order Jia Hua 가화 to station some men in the wings of the temple? Then if the Dowager be not pleased, we can call them out and fall upon him," said Lu Fan 여범.

92 Accordingly the ambush was prepared and five hundred ruffians posted to act as the Dowager's attitude might determine.

93 When the State Patriarch Qiao took his leave and had reached his house, he sent to tell Liu Bei, saying, "Tomorrow the Marquis and the Dowager Marchioness wished to see you. So be careful!"

94 Liu Bei and his faithful henchman discussed their plans.

95 Zhao Zilong said, "The morrow bodes rather ill than well. However, your escort shall be there."

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