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Chapter 053-02 유비, 노장 황충 얻다






24 Governor Han Xuan 한현 of Changsha 장사 was of hasty temperament with small compunction in matters of life and death and was universally hated. When he heard of the army coming against him, he called his veteran leader, Huang Zhong 황충, to ask advice.

25 The latter said, "Do not be distressed. This sword of mine and my bow are equal to the slaughter of all who may come."

26 Huang Zhong had been very strong and could bend the three-hundred-pound bow and was a most perfect archer.

27 When Huang Zhong referred to his prowess, a certain man spoke up and said, "Let not the Veteran General go out to battle. Trust to my right arm, and you shall have this Guan Yu a prisoner in your hands."

28 The speaker was General Yang Lin 양령. The Governor accepted his offer and told off a thousand troops to go with him, and they quickly rode out of the city. About fifteen miles from the city, they observed a great cloud of dust approaching and soon distinguished the invaders. Yang Lin set his spear and rode to the front to abuse and fight. Guan Yu made no reply to the abuse, but rode forward flourishing his sword. The warriors soon met, and in the third encounter Yang Lin was cut down. Guan Yu's army dashed forward and pursued the defeated force to the city wall.

29 When the Governor heard of this reverse, he ordered the veteran Huang Zhong to go out while he went up on the city wall to watch the fight.

30 Huang Zhong took his sword and crossed the drawbridge of Changsha at the head of his force. Guan Yu, seeing an old leader riding out, knew it must be Huang Zhong. Guan Yu halted his troops and placed them in line with their swords at the point.

31 Then sitting there on horseback, he said, "He who comes is surely Huang Zhong, eh?"

32 "Since you know me, how dare you come within my boundaries?" replied the veteran.

33 "I have come expressly to get your head!"

34 Then the combat began. They fought a hundred and more bouts, and neither seemed nearer victory. At this point the Governor, fearing some mishap to his veteran general, beat the gong to retreat and the battle ceased, one side going into the city of Changsha and the other camping three miles away to the rear.

35 Guan Yu thought in his heart that the fame of the veteran opposed to him was well merited. He had fought a hundred bouts and discovered never a weak spot. He determined that in the next encounter he would use a "swinging-horse stab" and so overcome Huang Zhong.

36 Next day, the early meal eaten, Guan Yu came to the city wall and offered his challenge. The Governor seated himself on the city wall and bade his veteran warrior go out to accept it. At the head of a few horsemen, Huang Zhong dashed across the drawbridge. The two champions engaged, and at the end of half a hundred bouts neither had the advantage. On both sides the soldiers cheered lustily.

37 When the drums were beating most furiously, suddenly Guan Yu wheeled round his horse and fled. Of course Huang Zhong followed. Just as the moment for the feint arrived, Guan Yu heard behind him a tremendous crash and turned to see his pursuer lying prone upon the ground. Huang Zhong's steed had stumbled and thrown him.

38 Guan Yu turned, raised his sword in both hands, and cried in a fierce tone, "I spare your life, but quick! Get another horse and come again to battle."

39 Huang Zhong pulled his horse to its feet hastily, leapt upon its back, and went into the city at full speed. The Governor was astonished and asked for an account of the accident.

40 "The horse is too old," replied Huang Zhong.

41 "Why did you not shoot since your aim is so perfect?" asked the Governor.

42 "I will try again tomorrow," said Huang Zhong. "I will run away as if overcome, and so tempt him to the drawbridge and then shoot him."

43 Han Xuan gave the veteran a gray horse that he usually rode himself. Huang Zhong thanked him and retired.

44 But Huang Zhong could not forget Guan Yu's generous conduct, nor could he understand it. He could not make up his mind to shoot the man who had spared his life. Yet if he did not shoot, he betrayed his duty as a soldier. It was very perplexing, and the whole night spent in thinking it over found him still undecided.

45 At daybreak a man came in saying that Guan Yu was near the wall and challenging them again. So Huang Zhong gave order to go out.

46 Now Guan Yu, having fought for two days and not having overcome Huang Zhong, was very ill at ease. So he called up all his dignity when he went forth to fight that day. When they had got to the thirtieth bout, Huang Zhong fled as if he was overcome. Guan Yu pursued.

47 As he rode away, Huang Zhong thought in his heart, "He spared me only yesterday, and I cannot bear to shoot him today."

48 Putting up his sword, Huang Zhong took his bow and twanged the string only. No arrow flew. Guan Yu dodged, but seeing no arrow in the air, he retook the pursuit. Again Huang Zhong twanged an arrowless bowstring, and again Guan Yu dodged, but no arrow came.

49 Then Guan Yu said to himself, "He cannot shoot," and pressed on in pursuit.

50 As they neared the city wall, the veteran stopped on the drawbridge, fitted an arrow, pulled the bow, and sent an arrow flying that just hit the base of the plume on Guan Yu's helmet.

51 The soldiers shouted at the display of marksmanship. Guan Yu was taken aback and set off for camp with the arrow still sticking. Then he heard that Huang Zhong's skill was said to be equal to piercing a willow leaf at a hundred paces, and Guan Yu understood that he owed this warning in the shape of an arrow in his plume to gratitude for sparing the veteran the preceding day.

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