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Chapter 042-04 일기당천의 장비




Liu Bei 유비 was making all speed to Hanjin 한진. Suddenly there appeared in his track a great cloud of dust whence came loud rolls of drums and shoutings.

Liu Bei was dismayed and said, "Before us rolls the Great River; behind is the pursuer. What hope is there for us?"

But he bade Zhao Zilong 조자룡 organize a defense.

Now Cao Cao in an order to his army had said, "Liu Bei is a fish in the fish kettle, a tiger in the pit. Catch him this time, or the fish will get back to the sea and the tiger escape to the mountains. Therefore every general must use his best efforts to press on."

In consequence every leader bade those under him hasten forward. And they were pressing on at great speed, when suddenly a body of soldiers appeared from the hills and a voice cried, "I have waited here a long time!"
The leader who had shouted this bore in his hand the green-dragon saber and rode Red Hare, for indeed it was no other than Guan Yu. He had gone to Jiangxia for help and had returned with a whole legion of ten thousand. Having heard of the battle, he had taken this very road to intercept pursuit.

As soon as Guan Yu 관우 appeared, Cao Cao stopped and said to his officers, "Here we are, tricked again by that Zhuge Liang 제갈량!"

Without more ado he ordered a retreat. 
Guan Yu followed him some three miles and then drew off to act as guard to his elder brother on his way to the river. There boats were ready, and Liu Bei and family went on board. When all were settled comfortably in the boat, Guan Yu 관우 asked where was his sister, the second wife of his brother, Lady Mi 미부인. Then Liu Bei told him the story of Dangyang 당양.

"Alas!" said Guan Yu. "Had you taken my advice that day of the hunting in Xutian 허전, we should have escaped the misery of this day."

"But," said Liu Bei, "on that day it was 'Ware damaged when pelting rats.'"

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