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Chapter 016-04 의리없는 여포



 Lu Bu laughed loud at the success of his shot.

 Dropping his bow he seized his guests by the hands, saying, "The command of Heaven indeed! And now you cease from fighting!"

 He ordered the soldier attendants to pour out great goblets of wine and each drank. Liu Bei in his inmost heart felt rather lucky; his fellow guest sat silent, nodding his head.

 Presently Ji Ling said, "I cannot disobey your command, General, but let me depart. What will my master say and will he believe me?"

 "I will write a letter and confirm it," said Lu Bu.

 After a few more rounds of the wine, Ji Ling asked that he might have the letter and after that departed.

 When the brothers took their leave, Lu Bu again reminded Liu Bei, saying, "Do not forget I have delivered you today!"

 Liu Bei thanked him and departed. Next day the leaders broke camps, and the soldiers were gone.

 When Ji Ling had got back to the South of River Huai and told the story of the feat of archery and the peace making that followed, and had presented the letter, his lord was very wroth.

 "Lu Bu repays me for all my grain with this bit of play acting!" cried Yuan Shu. "He has saved Liu Bei, but I will lead a large army myself and settle both Liu Bei and him."

 "Be careful, my lord," said Ji Ling. "Lu Bu is braver and stronger than most leaders and has a wide territory. He and Liu Bei together make a powerful combination, not easy to break. But there is another course. I have found out that his wife, Lady Yan, has a daughter just of marriageable age; and as you have a son, you could arrange a marriage alliance with Lu Bu. If his daughter wedded your son, Lu Bu would certainly slay your enemy for you. This is called 'Relative-above-Stranger' plan."

 This scheme appealed to Yuan Shu, who soon set about its accomplishment. He sent presents by the hand of Han Yin, who was to discuss the question.

 When Han Yin saw Lu Bu, he said, "My master has an immense respect for you, Illustrious Sir, and he desires to ensure perpetual alliance between the two families by a marriage, an alliance such as existed between the ancient states of Qin and Jin."

 Lu Bu was well disposed toward the scheme, but went in to consult his wife. Now Lu Bu had two wives and one concubine. He first married a lady of the Yan family, and she was the legal wife. Then he took Diao Chan as a concubine. And while he was living at Xiaopei, he had married a secondary wife, a daughter of Cao Bao. Lady Cao had died quite young leaving no issue. Neither had Diao Chan borne any children. So that Lu Bu had but one child, this daughter, of whom he was dotingly fond.

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