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Chapter 014 대권을 잡은 조조 03



 Now when Cao Cao had heard that the court had returned to Capital Luoyang, he called together his advisers to consult.

 Xun Yu laid the matter before Cao Cao and the council thus: "Eight hundred years ago, Duke Wen of Jin supported Prince Xiang of the declining Zhou Dynasty, and all the feudal lords backed Duke Wen. The Founder of the Hans, Liu Bang, won the popular favor by wearing mourning for Emperor Yi of Chu. Now Emperor Xian has been a fugitive on the dusty roads. To take the lead in offering an army to restore him to honor is to have an unrivaled opportunity to win universal regard. But you must act quickly, or someone will get in before you!"

 Cao Cao understood and at once prepared his army to move. Just at this moment an imperial messenger was announced with the very command Cao Cao wanted, and Cao Cao immediately set out.

 At Luoyang everything was desolate. The walls had fallen, and there were no means of rebuilding them, while rumors and reports of the coming of Li Jue and Guo Si kept up a state of constant anxiety.

 The frightened Emperor spoke with Yang Feng, saying, "What can be done? There is no answer from the East of Huashan, and our enemies are near!"

 Then Yang Feng and Han Xian said, "We, your ministers, will fight to the death for you!"

 But Dong Cheng said, "The fortifications are weak and our military resources small, so that we cannot hope for victory, and what does defeat mean? I see nothing better to propose than a move into the East of Huashan Mountains."

 The Emperor agreed to this, and the journey began without further preparation. There being few horses, the officers of the court had to march afoot.

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