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Chapter 011 유비의 진출과 조조의 패배 20


The drums began their thunderous roll, and Cao Cao, pointing to his opponent, said, "You and I had no quarrel, why then did you invade my land?"

"The cities of Han are the possession of all. What is your special claim?" said Lu Bu.

So saying, Lu Bu ordered Zang Ba to ride forth and challenge. From Cao Cao's side the challenge was accepted by Yue Jing. The two steeds approached each other; two spears were lifted both together, and they exchanged near thirty blows with no advantage to either. Then Xiahou Dun rode out to help his colleague and, in reply, out went Zhang Liao from Lu Bu's side. And they four fought.

Then fierce anger seized upon Lu Bu. Setting his trident halberd, he urged his Red Hare forward to where the fight was waging. Seeing him approach, Xiahou Dun and Yue Jing both fled, but Lu Bu pressed on after them, and Cao Cao's army lost the day. Retiring ten miles, they made a new camp. Lu Bu called in and mustered his troops.
The day having gone against him, Cao Cao called a council, and Yu Jin said, "From the hill tops today I saw a camp of our enemies on the west of Puyang. They were but few men therein, and tonight after today's victory, it will not be defended. Let us attack; and if we can take the camp, we shall strike fear into the heart of Lu Bu. This is our best plan."

Cao Cao thought so too. He and six of his generals---Cao Hong, Li Dian, Mao Jie, Lu Qian, Yu Jin, and Dian Wei---and twenty thousand horse and foot left that night by a secret road for the camp.

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