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Chapter 011 유비의 진출과 조조의 패배 17

So spoke Kong Rong, but still Liu Bei obstinately refused.

Tao Qian besought him with tears, saying, "I shall die if you leave me, and there will be none to close my eyes."

"Brother, you should accept the offer thus made," said Guan Yu.

"Why so much fuss?" said Zhang Fei. "We have not taken the place. It is he who wishes to give it to you."

"You all persuade me to do what is wrong," said Liu Bei.

Seeing he could not persuade Liu Bei, Tao Qian then said, "As you are set in determination, perhaps you will consent to encamp at Xiaopei. It is only a little town, but thence you can keep watch and ward over the region."

They all with one voice prayed Liu Bei to consent, so he gave in. The feast of victory being now ended, the time came to say farewell. When Zhao Zilong took his leave, Liu Bei held his hands alternately while dashing away the falling tears. Kong Rong and Tian Kai went home to their own places.

When Liu Bei and his brothers took up their abode in Xiaopei, they first repaired the defenses, and then they put out proclamations in order to calm the inhabitants.

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