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Chapter 010 마등의 의병과 조조의 분노 18



Tao Qian retired into the city and called his officers to council.

"The force against us is too strong," said he. "I will give myself up as a prisoner and let him wreak his vengeance on me. I may save the people."

But a voice was heard saying, "You have long ruled here, and the people love you. Strong as the enemy are, they are not necessarily able to break down our walls, especially when defended by you and your people. I have a scheme to suggest that I think will make Cao Cao die in a place where he will not find burial."

These bold words startled the assembly, and they eagerly asked what the scheme was.

Making overtures for friendship, Tao Qian encountered deadly hate. 
But, where danger seemed most threatening, he discovered safety's gate.

The next chapter will disclose who the speaker was.

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