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Chapter 008 왕윤의 계책 08

"Thank you, thank you!" said Wang Yun.

Then Wang Yun took from the family treasury many pearls and bade a cunning jeweler make therewith a fine golden headdress, which was sent as a present to Lu Bu. He was delighted and came to thank the donor. When Lu Bu arrived, he was met at the gate by Wang Yun himself and within found a table full of dainties for his delectation. He was conducted into a private apartment and placed in the seat of honor.

Lu Bu said, "I am but a simple officer in the palace of a minister. You are an exalted officer of state. Why am I treated thus?"

"Because in the whole land there is no hero your equal. Poor I bow not to an officer's rank; poor I bow to his ability."

This gratified Lu Bu mightily, and his host continued to praise and flatter and ply him with wine and to talk of the virtues of the Prime Minister and his henchman.

Lu Bu laughed and drank huge goblets.

Presently most of the attendants were sent away, only a few kept to press the guest to drink.

When the guest was very mellow, Wang Yun suddenly said, "Let her come in!"

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