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Chapter 007 손견의 죽음 28




He had barely finished speaking when an officer in the army, Huan Ji, offered himself as messenger, saying, "I am an old friend of Liu Biao. I volunteer to take the mission."

Sun Ce agreed. So Huan Ji went and peace was discussed.

Liu Biao told Huan Ji, saying, "The body is already laid in a coffin and ready to be delivered as soon as Huang Zu returned. Let us both cease fighting and never again invade each other's territories."

Huan Ji thanked him and took his leave.
But as Huan Ji went down the steps, Kuai Liang suddenly broke in, saying, "No, no! Let me speak and I will see to it that not a single enemy can survive. I pray you first put this man to death and then to employ my means."

Pursuing his enemy, Sun Jian dies; 
On a peaceful mission, Huan Ji is threatened.

The fate of the ambassador will be disclosed in a later chapter.

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